

Buddy Holiday

Musical Ladies

7gal fabric pot, FFSF, LST, 4x4x7’ tent, Mars Hydro TS 3000

White Widow Auto/Fem

Day 93 (Week 14)

33 updates

53 photos

Day: 93


Timber! Cut her down to hang for a couple days. Then trimmed into sticks on flat layers in paper bags until the stems snap. Also found mold between only two nuggs from where moisture was trapped when the cola split, probably from me being a klutz. No evidence anywhere else.

3 years ago

Day: 90

A little fox tailing but she’s so pretty. Gonna chop soon.

3 years ago

FiddlerFarms What size pots you running them in? Beautiful colas


phoenix323 7 gal fabrics :) I checked her trichromes and now I’m not 100% sure I’m chopping her but I definitely have two that need to go so I’ll get back to her probably tomorrow!

Day: 77

This beauty is covered in sticky. One of the large colas bent awkwardly from being top heavy(?) but is set back up and seems stabilized by sheer stickiness. Approaching the end. Gave her one gallon pH’d water with 1.5mL Sledgehammer. Straight water from here out. She’s lovely, but I definitely overextended myself during this point and hopefully she’ll perk up a bit more.

3 years ago


redheaded1990 What you use for fertilizer


phoenix323 I used a few different things, there are specifics in older posts. But I used Fox Farm Trio nutes, plus CalMag, Molasses, and a dose of Golden Tree. Most feedings were around half strength what is recommended.

710_Lb My god look at the trunk size 😍

Day: 69

Well. Life got away from me and she didn’t get any water for 5 days 😳 Gave her a 1/4 gal pH’d sip last night due to time crunch and I knew she’d get a gallon with nutes today. Week 10 half strength FF Trio with modifications to try to sort out this deficiency. 7.5mL Big Bloom, 10mL Tiger Bloom, 5mL CalMag, 5mL Molasses. But boy, does she shine! Pulled these off her stem. She’s so wide open light is everywhere 😂

3 years ago

Day: 63

Happy 4/20! Poor girl suffered some strain on a cola when putting back a girl behind her. Braced with nylon. Only a bend in the stalk, no breakage. Feeding half strength Fox Farm Trio for week 9 progression, with CalMag and increased dose of Tiger Bloom due to suspected potassium deficiency. (7.5mL Big Bloom, 2.5mL Grow Big, 5mL Tiger Bloom, 3mL CalMag)

3 years ago

cammyshade Looking sweet 🤯 is this day 63 of flower or since seed ?


phoenix323 Since sprout :)

Day: 60

Looks to be a potassium deficiency. Will up Tiger Bloom on next feeding.

4 years ago

Day: 59

Sweet thing is getting sugary. Fed one gallon pH’d water with 7.5mL Sledgehammer.

4 years ago

Day: 55

Sooo many colas 🤦🏻‍♀️ Hope that doesn’t stunt bud production. Fed one gallon pH’d water w/ nutes (7.5mL Big Bloom, 5mL Grow Big, 5mL Tiger Bloom, 3mL CalMag, 3mL Golden Tree)

4 years ago

Day: 54

Little shorty is due for a trim. Didn’t take much, most leaves are sugar leaves. No further sign of nute deficiency so will give nutes as scheduled with a little boost of CalMag. Definitely sticky!

4 years ago

Day: 51

Seeing some deficiencies begin - also purple stems. Not due for nutes, so gave 5 drops of CalMag to rule out Magnesium deficiency. Will follow up with more CalMag or raising Tiger Bloom or other nute high if it’s Potassium related. Confirmed I’ve been pHing in appropriate range for both to be absorbed.

4 years ago


phoenix323 Thanks, I think so too. I had already given her most of her water, so I reduced the ratio of CalMag to give her a little something until it’s time to be fed. If I see further damage fast, I’ll give her a half gallon sooner with ample CalMag.

Day: 47

Happy girl was given one gallon pH’d water with half strength nutes (7.5mL Big Bloom, 5mL ea Grow Big and Tiger Bloom).

4 years ago

Day: 46

Getting that sweet sweet sugar! Will water/feed tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 41

Trimming a significant amount of fan leaves. Found a cola that looks like it was topped. Doesn’t seem to have slowed her down! Trimmed some inner small colas that wouldn’t get adequate light. Gave one gallon pH’d water.

4 years ago

Day: 38

Fed her 7.5ml ea of Big Bloom and Grow Big, and 5ml of Tiger Bloom and Molasses in pH’d gallon of water.

4 years ago

Day: 35

Gave half gallon pH’d water. No obvious stress from the trim :)

4 years ago

Day: 33

No pH damage, thank goodness. Trimmed some leaves for airflow. A little more liberal on the amount of fan leaves taken, but she’s been growing so fast that trimming once weekly makes for a full bush each time.

4 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌👊

Day: 31

No signs of pH damage thus far. Light green inside near main stem are from before as I waited for a sign that the hot soil had run cold. I will trim them when she’s due for her weekly appt. Will also need more training soon. She seems really happy 🤞🏻

4 years ago

Day: 30

Getting taller! Think the lifted light helped her stretch up. Fed a gallon of water with nutes (Fox Farm Trio, Week 4 feeding schedule) ... hope I didn’t screw her over as I forgot to pH before giving. Based on same water lot and same nutes measured in bottle for another girl, it was around 7.0. Will give lower pH water next time.

4 years ago


gregg01f I think looking great for day 30..... someone told me to trim some fan leaves at this point. Best thing I done


phoenix323 Haha I trimmed a few days ago... trying to only trim up to 1/3rd fan leaves every 7 days minimum to not stress them. I pruned my last run like they were tomatoes and think I stunted them there so I’m trying to fuck with them a little less every day. They’re taller than my last plants were at this point, even with all the tie downs I’ve used to spread them for light.


phoenix323 She just grows so fast 😂

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Day: 26

Time for some training! Trimmed few leaves and spread out those colas.

4 years ago

Day: 23

Hello, sweet girl! Showing sex characteristics and is thankfully female as advertised. Removed stem stabilizer elastic. Going to need to trim and bind more colas this weekend. Gave her a gallon of pH’d water.

4 years ago

Day: 21

Such a pretty uniform bush! Gave her half gal pH’d water. Noticed some markings on leaves nearest to fan and moved it further away.

4 years ago

Day: 19

Trimmed off 3 big blocking light fan leaves yesterday and it really opened her up for this extra growth with side colas. Tightened the initial bend today.

4 years ago

Day: 17

Filling out a little more, hasn’t gotten very tall, but am beginning LST before she gets too sturdy to bend.

4 years ago

Day: 16

Getting bigger. May start LST tomorrow. Gave half gal pH’d water.

4 years ago

Day: 13

Little gal of the bunch. Moved the fan closer to her and will let her get a little taller before LST.

4 years ago

Day: 10

Pushing up! So far is the runt of the Musical Ladies. Watered half gallon pH’d distilled water.

4 years ago

Day: 8

Humidity all over the place still. It’ll be a wonder if I don’t herm these plants. Cannot manage to regulate temp or humidity in this old house!

4 years ago

Day: 7

Looking great! Lifted lights to 36”

4 years ago

Day: 6

Still working on stabilizing temp/humidity. The bane of old houses in winter. Humidity fluctuations from 30-75%, temps from 65-90°F over last 3 days. Seem to be dialing it in though. Turned off carbon filter, fan is on second speed, humidifier is up to 75% (which it never reaches), and the top of the tent is open to heat my cold house.

4 years ago


phoenix323 Watered soil further away from center to encourage roots outward.

Day: 3

Just getting well established. Thoroughly watered. Humidity trying to stay high but struggling with humidifier keeping up while the carbon filter tries to draw out the heat.

4 years ago

Day: 1

She has arrived! Day 4 in soil.

4 years ago


humanistic427 Do you keep your light on 24/7?

Day: 0

Germinated and planted. Moderate tail, intact seed casing.

4 years ago

Day: 0

Still hiding. 3 days in soil, 3 days germinating. Soaked soil to reach seed if needed.

4 years ago