
First Grow Ever - Trainwreck

Growing pains

One Trainwreck plant growing in a regular pot with triple mix soil. Regular tap water. Spider Farmer SF1000 2’x2’x5’ grow tent. Using Gaia Organics Nutrients. pH is currently at 7.0.


Day 39 (Week 6)

2 updates

3 photos

Day: 39

Some Leaves started to show a bit of yellow patches. I’m thinking perhaps Calcium deficiency…So I applied 60ml of Gaia Green All purpose 4-4-4 today as Top Dressing. Soil still seems damp so I did not add water. Hopefully it will uptake some Calcium.

3 years ago

Day: 32

Lights are about 18” above planter pot. Light intensity is about 50%.

3 years ago


BigBubba I’ve got quite a few of these Train Wrecks growing. They get very very tall and bushy!

motoweld That’s good to know. Thanks!


BigBubba No worries