Black Strap (Breeders Selection) X Pinot Noir - Breeding Project
Pollination Extravaganza!
Decided to pull out some of my Black Strap pollen from 4/22 and pollinate a branch of the 2nd Pinot Noir. Hoping for the same frostiness of the Pinot Noir with the darker colors and sweeter smell of the Black Strap. Hard to imagine this one being anything but amazing.
Black Strap (Breeders Selection) (pollen collected 4/22) X Pinot Noir (sprouted 12/22/22) - Breeding Project
Day 96 (Week 14)
7 updates
30 photos
Day: 96

Cut all of the Pinot Noir except the pollinated branch. Going to give it more time for any seeds to mature as much as possible. Some seeds are popping out which is great to see. Should be fun to see how it turns out.
2 years ago
Day: 90

Seeds harvested! I shall call them Drakkar Noir π
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Congrats. Sounds like they gonna be π₯π₯
slavethewhales Thanks, I really hope so! Going to pop a seed soon and see how it goes!
ig:@eaegifts I look forward to the updates
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Day: 38

Getting closer, and spotted the first seed through the microscope!
2 years ago
Day: 20

Gave the PN another round of pollen for good measure. Just to be safe and all.
2 years ago
Day: 7

The pistils look to be receding on the branch that was pollinated. Looking like it was successful.
2 years ago
Day: 4

Pollen application #2
2 years ago
Day: 1

Pollinated one full side branch today, and will reapply in a few days for good measure. Seeds in a couple months!
2 years ago