

Idk what’s going on🤦🏾‍♂️

Outdoor grow 2021

Gelato planted in 5 gal fabric pots with big rootz coco coir,happy frog organic fertilizer and worm casting. Plants stared off rough I’m pretty sure didn’t give them a proper environment to veg in, being outdoors in a greenhouse as seedlings,not to mention it was May in Michigan and our weather has been not the best this year. Bought a Propagation kit and a heat mat to bring the babies inside to see if this helps to get them to sprout. It definitely worked the seedlings were doing way better than being outdoors. So fast forward transplant time everything goes smoothly, but a few day later my plants were showing signs of overwatering and the weather at this time was so shitty, rain and high humidity didn’t give the soil enough time to Properly dry. So I transplanted them into pots with dry soil to see if that helps. My plants bounce back they were doing pretty good after the transplant so I gave them a little water just to wet the top of the soil I also introduced LST around this time the plants responded well to the training. Fast forward I noticed my leaves had some burning on the tips of the leaves were burned around the time I introduced LST I did water with a compost tea but I did not ph the tea so this could be the reason why, so flushed them immediately figuring I had a lock out and that was a couple of days ago but my poor plants sheesh they look bad Thinking I might have to start fresh I’m hurt 😞

Gelato (bag seeds)

Day 40 (Week 6)

1 update

4 photos

Day: 40


Running into issues

4 years ago


Caliban I I may? Separate those two plants to start. Otherwise they will compete and not thrive. Looks like Cal/Mg deficiency and maybe pH off too? Could also be soil is too wet.


iknownothing420 Ok cool thanks for the tips I was doing my research a few forums suggested overwatering, and others said a cal/mag issue. This could be the issue I haven’t introduced any calcium or magnesium yet🤦🏾‍♂️


Caliban Epsom salts is perfect.

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