Bonsai Tree
Will it live?
Given as a Xmas gift 🎁 with lots of dead leaves. Roommate of black harlequin. It Lives!
Brush Cherry
Day 137 (Week 20)
8 updates
9 photos
Day: 67

Still Growing! 🪴
2 years ago
Day: 55

Little fella is sprouting new leaves and buds. Moving him to a more shady corner of the tent I think helped and seems to be growing faster.
2 years ago
Day: 49

Moved it to a less sunny area of the tent, supposedly it likes a little shade. Also a new friend is growing in the pot (6:00 position in photo). Good or bad? Who knows.
2 years ago
Day: 42

Grow! Grow! Grow!
2 years ago
Day: 38

At least it thinks it’s spring time! 🍃
2 years ago
taopathway Cool. really like the setup in the pot
vespathekid Thanks!
Day: 31

It’s growing more 🍃!! Could probably do with some pruning but I’m just leafing it alone for now. 🌞
2 years ago
Day: 23

This little guy was in a very sorry state when I got it. Most of the leaves 🍂had dried up. Probably due to being kept in a box for a few days 😅 and the change of environment I’m sure didn’t help. Stuck it in the grow tent and tried to revive it with fish shit and SLF-100 to promote root growth. Amazingly it has sprouted buds! 🥹🌱
2 years ago