Alien Og
What’s up y’all I’m a new grower any advice I can get for my plants??
Day 1000 (Week 143)
16 updates
18 photos
Day: 1000

I just repotted it and I don’t know what went wrong too much watering no sun or root damage how can I tell all the leaves been dying now only have 2 left
a year ago
combatmedic81 You need some quality growing dirt
Claw$on215 You have any ideas which soil I should get
Claw$on215 And once I switch the soil you think it will come back or you think it’s a wrap
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Day: 598

My plant been wilting ever since I repotted it and all the leaves been dying anyone have any idea what I can do it’s trying to flower but idk if it’s over water or root damage or need more sun
a year ago
guitarist I would abandon efforts on this plant due to stress! Get another seed, buy a good real soil, not miracle grow, that’s for tomatoes. Never stress during flower… these are not critiques, just suggestions based on my experience. Cheers!
NativeFlower➕ Yea bro better soil next time. ☎️ it a wrap
Claw$on215 Ok do you have any idea which soil I should use next time which soil have all the vitamins and nutrients in them
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Day: 598

Anyone have any opinions on which soil is best for plants
a year ago
cal98 If you’re unsure get ocean forest fox farm and water it
Day: 461

My plant fell out the pot over the holidays I don’t know what to do anyone have a idea how I can revive it
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Is it a autoflower or photo period?
ig:@eaegifts I’d take the opportunity to transplant to better soil, you’ve got clumps and no perlite or substitutes for aeration. A switch should greatly increase root structure and overall growth, just look into types of soil cannabis likes growmie 👍🏾
Rastaman 2.0 Ig:@eaegifts but look at the day 461 days the soil and other logs.
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Day: 230

I repotted them and use dirt from the ground and they slowly dying what should I do to grain them more strength
a year ago
Day: 230

I repotted them and put dirty from the ground and they just started dying slowly what should I do to gain them more strength?
a year ago
amytuna Use it dirt from outside is a no no
Claw$on215 Do you have any idea what type of soil I should use and what type of light
Day: 65

How do I make my plants grow faster?
a year ago
Claw$on215 And what if you keep the male seeds can you get a fem out a male plant?
combatmedic81 Get better soil that is loaded w/ nutrients
Claw$on215 Ok cool right now I’m using dirt from the ground
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Day: 50

Any advice to gain my plant his strength back? I haven’t been taking them out to the sun lately they just been sitting in my room they have fresh soil I just don’t know the problem..
2 years ago
Day: 50

I tried watering it after it was lookin like it was dying you think it can come back to normal or it’s a throw away
2 years ago
Day: 50

Built this for the meantime for some heat to circulate the plant after I watered it he was dying so I hope it works 🤞🏽 if it don’t anyone have any seed websites I can look on
2 years ago
combatmedic81 Green point seeds
Day: 41

I been growing it thru the summer and the weather drastically changed over night so now my plant is unhappy and ideas and advice I could gain?
2 years ago
growfox04 Are you outdoors? If yes i guess its over for this season, maybe put it indoors and veg it till next season if you dont want to trash it but if the conditions outdoors are getting only worse she’ll die soon
Claw$on215 Should I put a light over them ever since I brought it in it just started lookin more and more like this
Claw$on215 Or just start fresh but try to grow them in door
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Day: 30

Any advice to make them grow faster
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Repot to 1-3 gallon and bury most of the stem, then wait a week and begin lst
Day: 25

My plant fell out the pot over the holidays I don’t know what I should do. Any one knows how I could revive it?
a year ago
Day: 10

I had to replant the one on the left before it got tangled up with the other plants is this acceptable will it grow back to normal??
3 years ago
josiahcannon1 Any tips on entry level growing I’m thinking about getting in the field
Claw$on215 I’m just starting myself I’m trying to figure out to revive my plant
unholysteph I would keep the humidity very high, with a bag or plastic wrap over the top. Also the metal container may not be the best potting medium as it looks like trace amounts of rust are visible which will lead to fluctuations in ph.
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Day: 7

Any chance for these 2 to work out or throw out?
3 years ago
Day: 0

Any advice for my plants
3 years ago
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Yea u shouldn’t grow two plants in a small space like that. Roots will intertwine and hurt each other. One plant per container my friend.
Claw$on215 So throw them out or just try separate
SinSemillaWhisperer420 Try to separate. Scoop the dirt below where the root should be and place each in there own container.
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