
Grobo (automated) - OG Kush - 1st grow

Feminized seed

One plant started from seed in an automated Grobo hydroponics box

Cannabis Indica

Day 112 (Week 16)

33 updates

84 photos

Day: 112


WToday was the day! After about 5 days of flush, I harvested, cleaned out the Grobo, and lined up the buds to dry inside Grobo. Wet harvested weight with stems was 6.5oz. I expect once it’s dried and trimmed from the stems it will be around 2-2.5oz. But we shall see. None of my buds got super huge but I sure had a lot of sm and med size in the jungle that was my plant. Took me about an hour to trim it all.

6 years ago

Day: 107


Switched to flush yesterday, will be harvesting in about 4-5 days. Buds didn’t fill out quite as much as I thought but still should get a decent haul.

6 years ago

Day: 102


Drain and fill day. About a week until flush begins.

6 years ago

SMEHTHESMEH Looks really good! Box seem worth it? Just curious because I keep looking at grobo but like a bigger space, however I don’t like the crazy bills I’m running for hydro lol.

Day: 98


Almost ready but not quite, regular harvest date is supposed to be nov 8. Which means flush will be oct 28. I think we are pretty on par.

6 years ago

Azuri Looking great, tough plant always bounced back!

JonnyBlaze looks like you r going to get a big yield man !!

Rainstorm3 Ya I’m pretty happy with the way it’s turned out!

Day: 93


Buds are getting long in the tooth. Eyeing each day now for chosen harvest day.

6 years ago

Azuri Looking good! Your buds are much farther ahead then mine. I’ll be watching mine closely too I may have to add another week prior to flush.

Rainstorm3 I just commented on yours! Your plant is so much taller than mine. Your buds looked like they are just starting to come along.

Day: 86


Buds starting to look pretty good. About a month (Nov 8) before harvest date set by the Grobo recipe.

6 years ago

JonnyBlaze What’s your harvest date?

JonnyBlaze Plant is coming along very nicely 😀

Azuri Where’s the like button? 😂

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Day: 77


Little popcorn buds peeking out everywhere. The trim I gave her last week has pretty much all filled in again. Will be leaving her be now to focus on the flowers.

6 years ago

Day: 73

It’s just over a week into 12/12 and wee buds are starting everywhere. Going to give her a pretty good haircut tonight so she can concentrate on those buds.

6 years ago

JonnyBlaze Looking fantastic iam glad u decided to keep her after all 😁

Day: 67

Day 4 of 12/12. Looking good!

6 years ago

Day: 65

So the 12/12 was supposed to start last night, on at 10pm off at 10am, but when I went down at 9:30 this morn the lights weren’t on. I changed the cycle to be 8-8 so tonight I’ll have to see what happens. I’m not sure if there were no lights at all last night?

7 years ago

Day: 62


Gave her a wee haircut today to try to let some more light onto the bud sites. Lights flip tonight (I think) to the 12/12 flowering stage. Already some signs of the buds taking shape. Humidity is pretty darn high but doesn’t seems to be overly affecting the plant as it’s still hovering around the right temp.

7 years ago

SMEHTHESMEH Nice! How long are those nutrients they supply with the box last? Gotta be. Few grows at least.

Day: 60

Flowering 12/12 light cycle starts in 2 days. She desperately needs a haircut, will do that tmrw to let the future bud sites get the light they need. Can’t be too much getting through all that bush right now. Also humidity is pretty high right now, could be all the rain we just got? Will monitor.

7 years ago

Sirsmokesalot Turned out nice. Was wonder what about a wee mini scrog? That question was brought to you by wake and bake. Peace. Nice looks good.

JonnyBlaze Wow what a bounce back 🙌🏾

Day: 57

Trimmed a few more leaves yesterday but it just keeps getting bushier and bushier 👍🏽 Although Drain/fill is not due for a couple days, the water is almost at the low line. Plant is drinking a lot more the last week.

7 years ago

Day: 54


Getting bushy af. Drain and fill of the Grobo yesterday, with a fresh dose of nutrients. Decided to give a small haircut of some of the larger lower leaves.

7 years ago

Day: 49

Topped once and some very light LST done about 5 days ago. May trim bottom fan leaves in a few days. Flowering 12/12 cycle due to start in a couple days.

7 years ago

Day: 47


Did a small top last night to see what happens. Been doing some light leaf bending downwards as well. Definitely bushing out. The undergrowth is coming in quite nicely. Almost each node has double branches coming through.

7 years ago

Azuri I looked at the picture first, oh looks topped, then read the comment....haha nice one!

Day: 44

She’s really bushing out! Lots of new growth lower down. Decided to let this plant run its natural course (more or less) without any interference and see what happens.

7 years ago

Sirsmokesalot May I ask, what is the potential yield of your device? And the cost of the box. So far I like what I see. Nice

Day: 40

Really seeing some good growth now. Debating on whether to let this one go on it’s own, since it’s the first one in the box, or to do some light LST on it? I’m not sure. Will have to decide soon though.

7 years ago

Azuri I’d leave the pointy leaves and just let it grow for a bit no stress.

Day: 36


I feel like I can almost watch it grow now. Noticeable growth each day. Roots are looking great too!

7 years ago

Azuri New top growth shows 100% recovery! Woot!

Azuri Oh and hi Stephen, lol

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Day: 35

Day 35, automated recipe adjusted to day 25. Lots of new growth appearing now. Seems to be bouncing back. If things keep going well, I’m going to try some LST in about 7-10 days.

7 years ago

Day: 31

Since my Grobo has started dosing nutrients properly, the roots have gone crazy! Pic on the left is 3 days ago before proper nutrients, pic on the right is today after only two days of goodness. I have faith the plant on top will be reflective of this growth!

7 years ago

Azuri Bouncing back quickly!

Day: 30

This plant has gone through some stress for the last couple weeks while we worked out some issues with the Grobo not delivering nutrients, aerator not working etc. the lower leaves all died off and the plant is a bit stunted. Since all the issues have been fixed with the automated Grobo box, this plant has come back to life and is showing new growth. I trimmed off all the dead leaves—about 8 in total—and the Grobo guys backed up my recipe by 10 days. Which means my grow will be 10 days longer but still fruitful! I wasn’t ready to give up on her yet!

7 years ago

Day: 28

My girl has been going through a rough time indeed. Through putting in a support ticket with Grobo, it turns out that after I transferred to my new unit (replacement) my automated schedule was all out of whack and my plant wasn’t getting dosed any of the micro/macro nutrients. So the pH was crazy acidic causing it to wilt and become super soft and making the leaves brown and papery. This issue was resolved within an hour of me putting in the support ticket. And now just 4 hours later I already notice some firmness back into the leaves. I have hope!!!

7 years ago

Sirsmokesalot Brother I would start over. I have grown a few disabled ones and some turn out great but most just are not worth the effort. I recently grew out an OG Kush that had a bad start. significantly less consumable meds. Good luck and aloha

Rainstorm3 Thanks. I keep thinking I might start over but it’s so hard to just give up! I’ll give her another week and see what happens. Cheers

Sirsmokesalot Definitely understand, I would take some clones and use them rather than start from seed again, will save a lot of time. I just flipped 12 12. First week of flower. Will post some pics. Good luck and aloha

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Day: 26

Both fans have now kicked in and the plant looks like she’s recovering a little. Leaves are slightly darker green and just look a little more pert. Aeration working perfect now, and nutrients have gone down a little since yesterday, mainly bottles 1 and 2.

7 years ago

Day: 25

Success! Aerator on in the new Unit! With some amazing weekend assistance from the Grobo team we are back up and running. It seems there is a scheduling bug in a couple of the recipes that aren’t allowing the aerator to turn on and off correctly that Grobo is now aware of they working on. Here’s to hoping Miss OG recovers nicely! Hats off to the new company for their great assistance when ppl are having issues.

7 years ago

Azuri Good news glad to hear it’s not a failed hardware.

Rainstorm3 @Azuri , I am also quite glad it’s not failed hardware! Things are running smooth now. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Day: 24


New Grobo unit arrived today. Transferred my plant over after draining the old unit and transferring over the nutrients etc. to my dismay the aerator is not working in the new unit. I know for a fact it was working when they shipped it as Grobo took it out of the box and tested everything to ensure it worked since this will be my third unit. They do care! I can’t help but wonder if during shipping the sensors get dislodged or something due to rough handling. I’m awaiting word back from Grobo tomorrow.

7 years ago

JonnyBlaze Oh wow I didn’t know u had to go through that many..I am so glad they were able to work with you and get everything worked out..this one one the main things I love about the grobo company 🙌🏾

Day: 21

The leaves are definitely not as big and dark green as I’d like. Definitely noticing the difference. 2 days until replacement is here. Can’t wait!

7 years ago

Day: 20

Now much movement size-wise, and some slight yellowing on the leaves today. Can’t wait for new unit!

7 years ago

Day: 19

Still awaiting my replacement unit, so no lighting or nutrient changes since my last update. Plant has a bit more growth though!

7 years ago

Azuri Is the air pump still running?

Rainstorm3 No. The air pump wasn’t working. Right now it’s running a continuous drain loop, and I’ve got the water running over the roots to keep them oxygenated, and that also allows the light to stay on.

Azuri Ah nice you got this.

Day: 17


New leaves getting bigger. I count 10 sets of leaves now. Nothing new to report on the Grobo except I’m still waiting for new unit. Due to arrive next Wed. For now the white spectrum lights are still on 24/7 and it’s running in a continuous drain loop to keep oxygen running over the roots. Some slight yellowing spots on leaves, but still growing!

7 years ago

Day: 16

Day 16 - as I’m waiting for a replacement unit to arrive, lights are on 24/7 with a continuous water flow to the roots to provide oxygen. There is some noticeable new growth from a couple days ago. Leaves are a little pale but this weed seems to be hanging on.

7 years ago

Day: 15

Day 14 of grow-I should be changing water in reservoir but unfortunately the Grobo has had an issue with the internal lights, and the water aeration which happened on day 9 of the grow. I am being sent a new unit (with amazing support and cust serve from Grobo). Plant is appx 2” tall with some lighter colour on leaves. Until the new unit arrives, I’m keeping a continuous water/light nutrient flow on the roots by using the drain/fill hose and pointing it directly at the base of the coco pod.

7 years ago

Azuri Luckily it happened early into to your grow. Worst case scenario you have to restart. Later on this could cause some undesirable stress. It’s not to far behind mine.

Rainstorm3 Agreed! Glad it happened on the earlier side. Might make the plant stronger, who knows!

Azuri Yeah, if you pamper it, it will recover it’s a weed their resilient. Add some time to veg state and it will be good to go.

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Day: 7

Plant is appx 1” tall and on an 20/4 light cycle. Looking good!

7 years ago