

6 Autos

Winter Autos

6 autos in 3Gal’s using my living soul recipe, 50% light intensity, watered and planted seed today

TrainWrk, CindrElla, Cherry Col, Grease Gun, Rhino Rdr,StarFroot, Orlando’s M

Day 13 (Week 2)

4 updates

9 photos

Day: 13


train wreck has not been doin or lookin so well. everything else is golden. still thankful for 6:7 plants

3 hours ago

Day: 10

all green - just been watering makin sure that ring ain’t dry

3 days ago

Day: 6

started all these at different times no more than a week apart. praise for a good grow

7 days ago


tresodaman Nice bro I’m looking for grow buds I’ve just started growing a gorilla cookies FF and Purple punch auto

Day: 0

sprayed the top layer of soil and watered the seed

14 days ago