Swamp Bud
Blue gelato?(probably)
Watered with some miracle grow (plant growth). Also put some time dissolving capsules with dry miracle grow in the soil surrounding.
Blue gelato
Day 32 (Week 5)
4 updates
16 photos
Day: 32
Moved them back into drier soil. Still has a good water source and light source. Put in more cow shite and miracle grow.
4 years ago
Day: 25
Moved the lil guy farther into the swamp. Less foliage over head. Fed it some plant nutrients and planted in swamp soil and pro mix triple mix. Also put some anti mildew in. She’s looking pretty good and healthy
4 years ago
moneymike1983 Are you sure them roots are gonna get the proper dry time in that swamp?
nicedude69 Not really sure. Is just a test run to see what it’s like. Won’t be too hurt if it don’t work out. U wanna look at the newest post? Think maybe it’s some mold.
nicedude69 Dope thanks 🙏
Day: 15
Watered with mixed miracle grow.(plant growth kind) and put time released capsules in surrounding soil.
4 years ago
Day: 15
4 years ago
moneymike1983 I can’t really tell. But it looks like you’re a bit low on nitrogen and phosphorus. How long has it been in that spot?
nicedude69 Literally just a couple hours ago
moneymike1983 Let her sit a few days. No water. Now I’m no expert. I’m fairly new too. I just read a lot and I’ve already learned about too much water getting to the roots the hard way.
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