XL Cheddar OG Auto Outdoor
Run 1, 2 plants
Plant 1 and 2 fox farm ocean mix, water ph6, 3 gal fabric pots. Outdoor SW Montana.
XL Cheddar OG Auto
Day 44 (Week 7)
9 updates
13 photos
Day: 44
2 weeks into flower I think it’s day 13 today. I think they’re doing well. They are stretched and there is a lot of space between the nodes. First time grower so I’m not sure what this means but I’m hoping they start stacking some weight. Autoflowers Indosmokez Genetics XL OG Cheddar.
3 years ago
Hadlesdad It like day 49 I think not 44.
Day: 38
Day 2 of flower I think? Look good, she reached for the stars the last 2 days too. Flower fuel, Advanced Nutrients Micro, and fish shit, daily water ph’d to 6ish. First grow ever so I’m learning and I’m not sure what I should be feeding so I snagged a few different things. Also keeping the feeds light as Autoflowers roots are smaller and more sensitive from what I’ve heard.
3 years ago
Day: 34
Full sun. Water with fish fert phd to 6ish
3 years ago
Day: 4
Just water ph’d to 6 plant 1
4 years ago
Day: 4
Plant 2; Just water ph’d to 6
4 years ago
Day: 2
Plant 4; water Ph’d to 6 today
4 years ago
Day: 1
Plant 1
4 years ago
Day: 1
Plant 2
4 years ago
Day: 1
Plant 3. Spritz with water to moist soil
4 years ago