The Little One (TL1) **Deceased**
Another unknown strain i decided to name for myself. Second grow! **Deceased**
Treating her the same way as my other plant (Swamp Puppy “SAP”). “TL1” is a only a few days old & she’s just as tall as “SAP”. Only thing i been doing differently for TL1 is feeding her creek water with a high ph instead of tap water like SAP. **Deceased**
Mystery **Deceased**
Day 4 (Week 1)
2 updates
3 photos
Day: 5

have not changed a thing for her. she looks a lil over watered or not enough light. i moved the light closer & haven’t watered her all day. **Deceased**
4 years ago
Squidinsky this one was a different plant. she never made it past this stage unfortunately. 🥴 may she rest in peace. 🙏
Squidinsky because it wasn’t dead when i posted it. obviously.
Squidinsky so i can keep a log of what i did wrong. i have a notebook i keep everything written down in. i leave these things posted so i’ll know what happened to what plant. that way i know what to do & what not to do with my next plants.
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Day: 4

The Little One “TL1”. Taking care of her exactly the same way as Swamp Puppy “SAP”. She’s already the same height as SAP & she’s only 4 days old!! **Deceased**
4 years ago