

Fastberry Autoflowers: 1st run

FastBudz genetics

2 Fastberry autoflowers courtesy of Fastbudz 420 genetics

Blueberry x Ruderalis

Day 68 (Week 10)

24 updates

79 photos

Day: 68


2 years ago

Day: 61


This headless plant has got me trippin it just looks so damn cool! Like a tiny shrub of dank ass purp. I decided to even do a third flush just for the hell of it. Get these bottom nugs hardened off some more and then actually give it 2 days dark then one day light and see if it actually makes a difference in the trichomes. I don’t guess it can hurt, I’m pretty sure running it a little longer will just boost the terpene profile any way

2 years ago

GaRaGe BuD

GaRaGe BuD Wow that’s crazy looking !


shiz Yup that’s a common practice cut the tops off first and give bottoms a extra couple weeks tops usually always finish first

Day: 60

I lost my head

2 years ago


sir_terpes024 Geez! That’s dark af! 🤤 looks amazing !


Alchemist Those blueberry genetics


sir_terpes024 Definitely strong genetics!

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Day: 59


Do these trichomes look ready? I’ve done 2 flushes, My plan is to give it 2 days of dark after tomorrow and then pull it.

2 years ago


Alchemist Got me a nice dense cola up top I think this one will actually yield more than the taller pheno


Alchemist @stick e fingerz

Day: 59

Finished drying and trimming these buds, going in GROVEBAGS to cure

2 years ago


bigsammy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Alchemist I love that this strain grows so fast and so colorful ! I don’t think I yielded quite an ounce off the first plant, but I know this next one will probably yeild a bit more. By the time that one is finished curing, l will be ready to harvest the 3rd fastberry that’s been out doors for 3 weeks. And then self sustaining smokable begins

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Day: 55


Y’all think it’s safe to have my plant set up so close to that light? I included pic #3 is just VEG switch and #4 is just flower , I’ve been just using both on given that I’m only growing autos in here, and I think the broader the color spectrum, the better. This one is only 8 days away from harvest

2 years ago


Alchemist I tried pulling some leaves that were blocking light to those buds down on that first tier , but they weren’t coming off the plant easily at all so I just trimmed those leaves back


shiz Just keep a eye for fox tailing and light burn


Alchemist @shiz thank you. I’d never heard of fox tailing before so I appreciate the new knowledge. The leaves that wouldn’t easily plucked definitely may have been light burn, I’ve sense lowered that plant a lot. After the second flush , I’m still waiting to see more yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant

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Day: 53


She got the chop . 10 days ahead of schedule according to Fastbudz420 . Trichomes still mostly white from what I can tell but I got tired of waiting beings that the plant hasn’t had any new growth in a solid 3 weeks. I still have the shorter plant still running under 20/4 for the next 10 days, then I’m gonna give it 2 days in dark and see if there is a difference in the smoke after a 2 week cure

2 years ago

Day: 51


So ripe. I’m considering pulling these early

2 years ago


shiz Looks like my purple lemonade love the purple


hem-p 👏🏽👏🏽😍💯

Day: 51


Not a bad set up for a low budget 2X2 tent. The light is pretty outdated but is still totally sufficient. No Carbon filter, just have the 4” fan exhaust blowing fresh air inside the tent so the cheap clip on fans don’t have to work so hard (they are all very cheap low powered fans, but I find this gives me a lot more grow space than having one big ass desk fan on the floor oscillating directly on the plants) preparing to take them out and setup my 2nd run of the same strain but instead of 2 plants in 3 gallon pots I’m gonna try just 1 plant in a 5 gallon and see how big I can get this strain to grow given the resources I have

2 years ago

CAJayCBDTHC4ME Looks nice. I have a 2x2 as well contemplating 1st grow with 2 5 gal pots or just 1? I also have clip on fans but also a carbon filter inside. Doing any training?


Alchemist You can probably get away with it if you are growing just autoflowers and have a good light with wide spread. But if you are growing 2 normal Photoperiods your plants are gonna be hella cramped, it’ll be hella difficult to do things like training and maintaining (defoliation, scrogging, ect) and it could possibly effect the way your plants’ ability to reach their potential size… i wouldn’t do it, then again I have a separate 2X4 tent for my Photos and I do have 4 plants in it but they are just small clones that are still in early VEG stage, once they start to grow big enough to train I will transfer 2 of them outside. That way I can top, tip, or FIM to my heart’s desire. I’m definitely a noob but I’ve found a lot of success with high stress techniques like topping my plants multiple times and supercropping which is when you bend a branch just far enough to tear the inner cell walls and through time the branch grows much stronger and thicker. I like using a bunch of those small 90 degree “LST clips” to do this with. It’s kinda a misnomer because when you use these clips to manipulate the direction in which a branch goes and keep those clips on for more than a day it essentially does the supercropping (which is a HST technique) for you. You can also do it by squeezing and bending the base of your branch to form a hardy knuckle. It’s basically the same concept as lifting weights to rupture your muscles so that they grow back bigger and stronger. It’s too bad we can’t chop off our heads in order to grow two of them lol

CAJayCBDTHC4ME Lol love it thanks!

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Day: 49


FastBuds, the breeders I got these from, say they only need 63 days to harvest, im not sure why I was thinking 90 days. That’s why the fan leaves faded so quick. I feel like these last 2 weeks before harvest are important. I plan to let them sit outside in full sun for a few days. Should I stop feeding them nutrients now? Could I benefit from one more feed? Do I need to “flush” my plants? Any tips?

2 years ago


nnbuckley15 Beautiful! From everything I’ve looked at, you shouldn’t feed any more nutrients during the last 2 weeks and flush by giving ph balanced water only during feedings from now to harvest. Then 48 hours before you harvest keep them in the complete dark.


Mr.Synnizter The 48 hours of darkness isn’t necessary from a scientific perspective. Do what you want of course that’s the dope thing about growing. Don’t take my word with it though


Secman ☝️what they said🤙

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Day: 48

Can’t wait to smoke u

2 years ago

Day: 45

Soooo should I wait another 45 days before chopping these autos?

2 years ago

Day: 36


These autoflowers are 36 days old from seed. The first picture is the smaller of the two, but has a lot more vegetation. It is however showing signs like the taller one has been drying out her fan leaves. I keep ‘em under 20 light 4 dark. They can’t be nearly ready yet can they? I don’t think they should be fading so soon, however they are sure stacking on the sticky icky.

2 years ago

Day: 34

Wtf 😳. Why is this happening? Possible nute burn or Ph lock out? Her sister plant is still healthy though sitting adjacent to her! They are stacking on the buds big time though. Kinda crazy how much dense flower growth it has…

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot These plants naturally pull from its leaves to promote bud growth. I like to think of the leafs around the bud as an energy reserve. Although sometimes this could be caused by nute burn. Maybe show the community what your plant looks like in natural light so we could possible diagnose the plant


Caliban Hard to dx w purple lights. Suspect N fade late on flower but not sure. Are leaves from bottom of plant?


Alchemist Yeah, basically all the fan leaves

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Day: 34


Here’s a few pics of the taller one in white light. Natural growth or nute burn? A few leaves came off at the slightest touch but as you can see the discoloration is effecting most of the leaves. I’ve fed and watered the shorter one the same, maybe shorty is just a late bloomer?

2 years ago

ur4a2caq0 Two of my blueberry cheese did this Cal mag helped one The other I had to chop Roots showed signs of root rot


FrostyZaZa Older leaves are going first so we know the nutrient is mobile. Necrotic holes leads me to think ca/mg like OP said or K. What are you dosing for nutes?


Alchemist I use commonwealth canna nutrients they r organic and mix in with the water. Pretty normal 3 cycle nute

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Day: 31


The taller lady’s fan leaves are yellowing… but the shorter one is all dark green? I’ve been feeling and watering equally. Is this a nutrient deficiency? Hopefully not Ph lock out 😬 I need opinions

3 years ago


Secman I’d flush and add Cal Mag…

Day: 30


I can’t believe these are a 3rd of the way finished. Lookin good to me, but I don’t have experience to compare it to.They don’t seem to be filling in a whole lot but those pre flowers are friggin huge

3 years ago

Day: 23


Zero complaints with these ladies. Turning those tiny seeds into these sexy, stretching and sprawling beauties in only a matter of 23 days feels like magic to me. I definitely will be growing autos more often in the future.

3 years ago

Day: 20

I’ve decided that the 2X2 is the right place for these ladies now, I switched the lighting to 19 1/2 hours on and 4 1/2 hours off. I wonder if this could help them grow out quicker. The medium is a blend of ocean forest and mushroom compost so it’s pretty well fertile although I have added nutrients along the way, no nitrogen burn. I’m thinking these ladies tolerate the nutes but they don’t really need them

3 years ago

Day: 19

Holy Smokes. Just day 19?! Fastbudz is a good brand name for genetics like this cuz These really are some quickly paced growers. Same strain, same amount of lighting, seeds from the same package; however , as you can see, one is about twice the height of the other. I’m not sure why though…. Yes I realize the LEDS are hella close to the top of these plants but they don’t put out nearly enough power, even at this height my Photone app is only reading about 220PAR. After this grow season I plan on investing in a nice commercial bar light so I only need one light in my tent, would give me a lot more electrical outlets for fans and air filters. I transplanted each of these from solo cups on day 10 and added a Tblspn of michorrizae into my soil so that the roots are contacting the symbiotic microbial. I figured this would help them bounce back from any shock, which it did because they are back to growing like crazy fast. However idk how I ended up with one about twice the height of the other. I’ve done very minimal training , as this is my very first auto grow.

3 years ago

Peng You just have two different phenotypes, not all plants are the same.


Alchemist @Peng; good point. I understand now it was explained to me by a friend earlier today, like even though my brother and I came from the same parents, he’s 9 years younger than I, but he’s got a solid 12” of height over me

Peng Yep, it’s genetic diversity.

Day: 16

Just noticed this. What is this? What’s the cause? Is it sick? Could it be mildew? But why the round shape… could it possibly just be from water droplets? I don’t see this being probable because I’ve been using strictly distilled water or bottled water. It’s my first grow 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t have a PH meter. #savethefastberriesplease

3 years ago


ablood777 Get a ph meter. Vivoson on Amazon as a cheap one for $20. If you don’t get the Ph right the plant cannot absorb the nutrients it needs or it will get overloaded for your PH is too high or too low. 6.2 is what shoot for throughout.


Alchemist @Troy Farms thanks for the assurance. That was my first thought I wasn’t sure if distilled water would leave behind a residue. Maybe got some nutrient water on the plant @ablood777 I would if I had money, I don’t have a job cuz of an injury so basically whatever money I can get my hands on I spend on weed. But growing my own oughtta help out with that $$$


ig:@eaegifts @Alchemist do you have air circulation. The curling foliage with the water spots indicates low airflow high rh 👍🏾

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Day: 15

Fastberrys are looking sexy. One is quite tall while the other is squatting a little as you can see. I did a 4 hour LST this morning (photos 3&4) and they perked back upwards extremely quickly. I get nervous about training these ladies because they are growing SO FAST. This being my first autoflower run, I don’t want to mess around with em too much. The soil is a blend of ocean Forrest fox farms mixed with an all organic mushroom and leaf compost 50/50… im not sure how to properly feed these ladies. Do you use the same amount of nutrients as for a photo?

3 years ago


begreenone I use same nutes as photos just a bit different schedule. I run veg nutes up to week 4, then week 5 and 6 I do a 1/2 dose of veg and bloom nutes. Week 7 would then be all bloom nutes. I pretty much follow Fastbuds nutrient recommendations. You can find their exact schedule recommendation with a quick google search👍


Alchemist Thanks ! That will surely help

Day: 7

I wish this app would just let me transfer pictures from my Library. Only my front facing camera works. Y’all think it’s time to transplant? Should I do 1 Gal to 3 Gal or straight to 3?

3 years ago


@eaegifts I like 2 repots but I’d say go straight to 3 if you’re new to growing, roots are slow in soil so they definitely have room in them cups still. Also you can add pics from your library directly, you may need to check your permission in your phone settings but when you updated just click on the empty space where the pic should be for the menu to pop up

Peng Straight to 3 ASAP

Day: 2

Freshly popped

3 years ago