Sky OG
Indoor grow
Grown in a closet under an LED light with a box fan that is LST.
Sky OG
Day 87 (Week 13)
6 updates
32 photos
Day: 87
She’a been busy! I moved her to a shed to Prevent smell as she begins to pre flower, the LST has done well with lots of colas coming up and even a second main cola from the bottom.
3 years ago
Day: 55
Doin ok
3 years ago
Day: 37
3 years ago
Day: 24
She’s Soaking up the light and enjoying life. Needs to be LST again soon to let the under branches catch up top there but I think I’m doing pretty good for my first LST! Any advice will be taken as I’m very new to this type of growing, I’ve only ever Christmas treed my plants.
4 years ago
Day: 15
My first low stress train, how’s it look?
4 years ago
cannabisking I swapped the string with soft bendable pipe cleaners, and added an extra one at the base going towards the opposite direction and It looks much it much better this way, thanks!👍
Day: 7
Transplanted into its final home.
4 years ago