
Fast Buds


A few days old. Under a 450w viparspectra led in a small tent. Using 50/50 Coco and perlite.


Day 69 (Week 10)

5 updates

5 photos

Day: 69

Fastberry is almost finished

6 years ago

Boxx5151 Nice 😋 what nutes are u using ? im also growing fastberry check out my grow.

Radob Im using canna coco a and b. Along with some other stuff. But the main is canna.

Day: 48

Fb on the right

6 years ago

Day: 28

Fast berry on the right.

6 years ago

Day: 15

Been a min since I posted here’s an up to date photo

6 years ago

Day: 3

Aye babygirl! 3 days since she popped.

6 years ago