
Strawberry cough

Summer 2021

Im first time Grower and Im just trying to work some kinks Out! My plants went discolored maybe 1 or 2 of em just the leafs not the whole plant ! They dont look droopy ! I feed every 3 days and water a few xs a day or might wait a day or 2 its been really hot so im trying to figure the best way to go about it ! Any comments or tips ?

Strawberry cough

Day 129 (Week 19)

12 updates

26 photos

Day: 129


How are they looking? Should i stop with nutrients? And just water now? And why is the leaf changing colors?

3 years ago

Day: 118

They are budding when should i cut ? Or only been about 2 weeks for the budding

3 years ago

Day: 102

Are they looking good ? Do all plants outside turn out brown?

3 years ago

Day: 76

What makes them turn color like that?

4 years ago

Day: 67

Is that buds growing or stems ?

4 years ago

Day: 60

Just a update ! In the daytime!

4 years ago

jaytheGrower @bong ! Thanks Man! Didnt even see your comment ! But anything look like i could do better on ?

Day: 58

Do they look droopy ? I been watering them pretty good and Does anybody know a good food to feed them ? Or is just water fine ? I switched out the pots from the little ones they were in so the plant could have more space! I did see some webs at a point in time but now i can’t locate it ? And should i water more times a day now that they are big i have only been doing once a day !

4 years ago


bpiguy It’s easy to over water. I would let them dry out, then give them a good watering.


bchan9166 You might wanna put them in a bigger pot or put them in the ground, they might be root locked no room for the roots to spread out

jaytheGrower My pot had before was really little so i bought bigger ones its dark where im at so the pots dont look big but they are 2x bigger than the ones i had and Water like every other day?

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Day: 49

How do you kill spider mites ?

4 years ago


mimisflower I had some infestations a week ago. I know I had some sort of tunneler and I do believe spider mites. I used neem oil. 5 ml neem oil with 2.5 ml of liquid soap (I used dr Bronners mint soap) with 1 liter of warm water. Mix well. Use it within an hour of mixing. It is used as a spray. I drenched my plants towards evening. Don’t use it on the sun it will cause them to burn. I had not been using is a preventative but plan too from now on every 10 days. I grow outdoors organically as possible. I also had to remove infested leaves. I’ve kept a close eye on them and they have recovered beautifully. You can search neem oil for insects online and find quite a bit of information. Sending you and your girls good vibes!


Caliban Flamethrower and a level-4 magic spell.


growin4thepham What he said👆👆

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Day: 42


In one of the pictures about it looks like they are going discolored but the dirty is still wet and not dry is it my feeding schedule thats not right ?

4 years ago

buddudeblaster Did you ph the water. Never grow outside before but Good luck.

umberjaden395@gmail.com Im using water and the fertilizer i been gave

umberjaden395@gmail.com Im not sure if im doing something wrong ?

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Day: 42

Why are they getting discolored like that? Or is that just the strand ?

4 years ago

buddudeblaster That’s a hermaphrodite

buddudeblaster I think lol

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Day: 42

They look a tad bit droopy but i have been feeding them

4 years ago

Day: 0

I feel they are getting better ! Just not sure when they should be budding ? Which i take is probably a month or 2 longer ?

4 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts If they not autos then they’ll just keep growing and flowering in the fall months usually

jaytheGrower How Could you tell that?


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Should say it on the seed pack auto, fem, reg but if u got em from a bag then I’d guess regular and plus their size make me think regular. If u know the age that’ll help determine if their autos also @day 30-45ish autos supposedly start flowering. I’m pretty sure these aren’t autos and will keep growing bigger. You’re probably gonna wanna go up to 15-20 gallon pots if you keep them outside. If you have a grow light and a place you can block out light completely then I can put them on 12on/12off light schedule to force flowering

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