

Pope Banner III

NightOwl Seeds

5 gal pot, Cold War organics, Build a soil Craft Blend, Terp Tea Flower, microbes.

Bruce Banner 3 Auto x Purple Pope *Purple Wizard Pheno*

Day 79 (Week 12)

11 updates

27 photos

Day: 79

Chop chop!! She’s ready yall.

3 years ago

Day: 75


She’s getting chopped this week🪓

3 years ago

Day: 71


Getting close. She’s still getting plain water and taking an extra day or so to drink it all.

3 years ago

Day: 68

Probably going to chop her around day 75-78. Getting nothing but water at this point.

3 years ago


dstew0626 Wow wow wow awesome bro!


Mack.Attack.Gardens 🙏 thank you

Day: 63


Not sure I can get her to 80-84 days like I would like to. Likely going to lose yield having to harvest early. Still some nice chunky, stinky buds will be had!

3 years ago

Day: 59

She’s coming along nicely💪

3 years ago


HammertimeAZ Well done! She looks great so far!


Mack.Attack.Gardens Thanks y’all! 🙏

Day: 54


She’s hungry. I was late on the top dress because the initial mix was so hot and I was afraid to add too much more. Gave her a tea with castings, Craft blend, mosquito bits, and some NLS Girl Flower Power.

3 years ago

Day: 43

Gave her some Build-A-Bloom, but in the morning she’ll get some magnesium. I think I threw off the balance when I fed the bloom nutrients.

3 years ago

Day: 33


Pretty happy. Got her first dose of Coming of Age. Hoping she starts shooting up soon. She’s staying fairly short so far.

3 years ago

Day: 26


Top dressed with Craft blend and frass on day 22. Bent her around today.

3 years ago


Sibannac What are those red and yellow things called


Mack.Attack.Gardens LST clips. Check out madmanplant dot com

Day: 20

Moved her from veg tent to 2x4.

3 years ago