

First Indoor run

Ganja Gary

This will be the accumulation of months of research and purchasing equipment. The first grow indoors for me

Grape Dragon F2

Day 82 (Week 12)



59 updates

59 photos

Day: 82


Buds getting bigger

3 days ago

Day: 79


Color looks way better, still need to do more defoliation. Had a little nute burn so I didn’t want to stress her out too much.

6 days ago

Day: 71


Definitely over thinking things but regardless she’s still growing very quick during the stretch. Gonna continue slowly up the nutes and the lights

14 days ago

Pottimus Looks great just lollipop that bottom half now before main flower stage

Pottimus A lot of those lower parts seem to be getting low light and I don’t see any fans to circulate air

Pottimus Let those top buds beef up!

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Day: 70


Still trying to get the nutrients down correctly

15 days ago

Day: 69


Looking a lot bigger after the stretch. Not too happy with how light green the new growth is. Watching Ph and Nutrients very carefully

16 days ago


seriousjamie Once they go through that transition period the new bud site area will look super light like that. I always double up my nitrogen inputs during the first three weeks after the flip.


Enzhyme Ok thanks, I’m using Advanced Nutrients PH perfect which is three parts, they say to use them all equally. I’m gonna try and feed them more of the one with the higher concentration of Nitrogen to see if that helps


seriousjamie You can change those ratios just mix them in order that’s all

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Day: 64


Gonna continue to utilise the scrog net as I try improve the canopy

21 days ago

Day: 63


Started the scrog process

22 days ago


B0NGToker I’d say she’s ready for a little defoliation


Enzhyme It’s hard to see cause of the angle but I’ve done a bunch underneath the canopy.


B0NGToker 👍👍

Day: 63


Day one of the scrog, after taking this picture I was able to shuffle some of the higher bud sides around

22 days ago

Coffeeshop Wich size of the squares are you using for you scrog net?


Enzhyme To be honest they came with the tent, I’ll check later and get back to you

Coffeeshop Nice thanks!

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Day: 62


12:12 has begun so the flowering process has now started. Finally set up the scrog net going to do more research to make sure I use it properly.

23 days ago

Pottimus Just get them tops spread out and get a nice even and level canopy! Looks amazing already

Day: 61

The end of veg

25 days ago


combatmedic81 Looking good . You going to strip it for flower?


Enzhyme It’s hard to see but I did a lot of defoliation underneath. I was reading some stuff tho and I’m not trying to do too much defoliating.

Day: 61

Way higher quality pic of the plant before I flip tm.

24 days ago

Day: 58

Gonna flip within a couple of days, gonna set the scrog net up soon.

a month ago

Pottimus Looks awesome, my first attempt at heavy lst is on my page can you give your opinion? It’s the mimosa on day 30 ish


Enzhyme I put in a comment.. you did awesome with your LST. As my sample was being tested I didn’t do any LST in the beginning so I had to do some weird stuff to make the canopy even. My next grow I’m gonna be more prepared cause I’m gonna use Feminised seeds. I really thought I thought them in the first place lol

Pottimus Sounds awesome and stuff happens for sure

Day: 57

How she was looking today

a month ago

Day: 56


a month ago

Day: 56

Defoliation taking time but it’s getting there

a month ago

Day: 55

Probably gonna start feeding her advanced nutrients soon. The coco loco soil nutes is about to come to an end

a month ago

Day: 55

Still need to do more defoliation but it’s getting there.

a month ago

Day: 55

Finally gave the plant a little taste of the advanced nutrients. Also did a little more LST as we head towards the flip

a month ago

Day: 55

Not the prettiest look but the LST should fill out the tent a little more.

a month ago

Pottimus Definitely had a comeback, looks good, I’m new to growing but why not throw a trellis in there

Pottimus I bet you could fill the whole tent if you Scrog it


Enzhyme I am actually gonna flip in a couple days, when that starts I’m gonna put my scrog net in so that it has support for when it starts stretching.

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Day: 54

Nice look from the top

a month ago

Day: 53

Not too much longer before I flip it, gonna spend that time getting her cleaned up.

a month ago

Day: 52

Passed out last night before I could defoliate. Gotta start that today.

a month ago

Day: 52

Cleaned it up a little underneath. Don’t want to stress it out too much

a month ago

Day: 50

Canopy is getting there. Gonna start defoliating soon in preparation for flowering.

a month ago

Day: 49

Might do a little bit more training, but it’s almost time to flip. Still figuring out tho when I want to do that

a month ago

Day: 49

Did some more training trying to make sure the canopy is even when I flip

a month ago

Day: 48

Gonna need to replace water soon. Surprised it’s taken so long to drink the 10 gallons .

a month ago

Day: 47

Growing quickly

a month ago

Day: 46

Day after some LST

a month ago

Day: 45

Gonna do more LST today on her

a month ago

Day: 45

Looks ugly right now but working on more LST. Tried to bend the main stem so it doesn’t lean to far on the advice of Donquinto

a month ago

Day: 45

Did a little more. I think that’s enough for now

a month ago

Day: 44

She’s really growing now

a month ago

Day: 42

Not an update, just wanting to see how much she’s grown over the last day. I believe the roots have finally reached the water.

a month ago

Day: 42

Side pic

a month ago


donquinto More training! Die her down everywhere. 90° bends, she needs to fill as much space as possible. Height will come during floder


Enzhyme Your right I’m gonna do some training today


donquinto Good luck! Don’t go too easy on her. She can handle it. Really pull them down, the small ones should be freed. All the larger growth, PIN ‘er!!!

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Day: 41

Color is looking good

a month ago

Day: 41

Just a comparison pic, wondering how this plant is eventually gonna look.

a month ago

Day: 40

Looking even better, gotta do some more training later but she’s getting over the issues slowly but surely.

a month ago


Enzhyme It’s mostly fixed but I had messed up and bought regular seeds. Didn’t want to move it to the octopot until I got back the sex from the lab I sent samples too. Unfortunately it got a nitrogen deficiency but the new growth is fine and it’s working itself out


seriousjamie Do you need seeds my man?

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Day: 40

LST for the win

a month ago

Day: 39

New growth looking good

2 months ago

Pottimus What’s your setup and strain?

Pottimus Looks like it could use some more water too


Enzhyme Hey Pottimus, the Strain is Grape Dragon F2 by 7 east Genetics. I have an AC infinity 3x3. I’m growing inside of an octopot with coco loco. With the octopot you only top it once and the roots find their way to the water reservoir so it essentially waters itself. Because coco loco has nutrients in it I’ve only added silica blast, cal mag and hydro guard to my water. You can see my next update it seems the roots have found the water better.

Day: 37

Over night the plants have already started to bend in the right direction. Maintaining an even canopy is my goal. There have been some major hiccups because of the sexing issue but I believe we are overcoming them. Might have to veg longer but that’s fine

2 months ago

Day: 36

Now that the plant is accustomed to is new home we shall start the process of LST

2 months ago

Day: 36

Decided to switch sides for room

2 months ago

Day: 31

After much time trying to get the sex from genetic testing it is confirmed a girl and had finally been moved to the octopot. Now to make up for the Nute deficiency’s

2 months ago

Day: 21

After ample time I believe we can finally move her to the octopot

2 months ago

Day: 9

Reverse Osmosis has finally been established

3 months ago

Day: 9

Was a perfect time to unleash the Combo meter. Tomorrow I will set up the Ph part of it but figured I would test the Tap water and the RO water. Like I thought, my tap water is a little hard so the RO should be a great help.

3 months ago

Day: 9

Just a quick example of how well the RO works

3 months ago

Day: 8

Finally got the PAR meter. Like I expected, I was running at way too intense of a light level for the seedling stage. I might have some slight PH lockout I can only wait until this water in the medium evaporates so I can give it the correct solution.

3 months ago


Enzhyme Tree laughed at me and said my shit was gonna be regs after cracking up at the Quantum PAR meter. I’m still dying laughing

Day: 7

Early morning Day 7, the cup still had weight so no need to water. Coco coir holds water like crazy. We’ll check on her later and see how she’s grown.

3 months ago

Day: 6

She’s getting bigger by the hour. Patiently awaiting to both transfer to the octopot but also receive my PAR meter and Leaf Temp gun.

3 months ago

Day: 5

She’s starting to feel herself. Gotta make sure she doesn’t stretch too much.

3 months ago

Day: 5

We have the VPD somewhat dialed in, but until we get the Leaf Temp gun it’s gonna be hard to get an accurate reading.

3 months ago

Day: 4

Looks like the concern about the over water/ nutrient burn has subsided. Looking like it’s gonna end up staying healthy .

3 months ago

Day: 3

The Sprout is in the tent, the Cotyledon is looking white hopefully it greens up with the light being given.

3 months ago

Day: 3

We are locked in a at an appropriate temp for the seedling as it spends its first day under light. Humidity will be raised once the RO system gets set up.

3 months ago

Day: 3

Also the Cannatrol has finally arrived. Won’t be a while before it’s needed for use but I’ll be able to play around with the settings and also store cannabis that I already own.

3 months ago

Day: 2

Gary got a little wild decided he need to plant the germinating seed into solo cup asap. Opened up the first of many bags of coco loco and filled up a cup. Poked holes in the bottom, planted the seed gave it some water, and put a little wrap on top to maintain that moisture. Hopefully the coco loco doesn’t run hot enough to burn the seed. Only time will tell

3 months ago

Day: 1

Being handled with the utmost care, the seed has started germinating in a wet paper towel, put into an opened ziploc bag. Soon it shall be moved once its strong enough to the red solo

3 months ago