Adam Smasher
Strawberry Cough
1. Grow / Bonsanto Grow-Suitcase ( XL )
Genetik: Sativa Dominant. THC:15%
Day 24 (Week 4)
5 updates
23 photos
Day: 24
Does the plant look healthy to you?
a year ago
apexpred No. Looks like overwatering or nutrient deficiency
apexpred Showing signs of light stress too
Adam Smasher Overwatering may be the case!
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Day: 21
I defoliated the plant a bit. She was a little bushier before. Does the plant look healthy to you? I'm a little worried because the leaves are curling a little.
a year ago
LeChron James What is the wind/temp/humidity situation? Is there a fan blowing on her directly? What is the temp and humidity?
LeChron James I like that scrog grid by the way
Adam Smasher Temp: 24.1 C Humi: 63.3% The fan is not blowing directly.
Day: 14
The plant was fertilized for the first time. She's looking pretty good so far. But I'm a beginner and don't have much idea. what do you say ?
a year ago
jasaan She's looking good. Don't stress too much I find weed to be quite resilient.
LeChron James Looks perfect to me.
LeChron James Just plain coco coir? What did you feed it, and to what ph/EC?
Day: 10
Do the leaves look strange to you? In some places they curl up. Reason to worry ?
a year ago
Professor Chag Looking nice and healthy
Professor Chag Maybe a bit too much light intensity how far is your light to plant and what’s intensity level do you have it at.
Professor Chag I have my 10 day plant at 300 ppfd the light is sitting at 40 inches away from my plants and at 60% intensity. I’m using a spider farmer 300 watt led ful lspectrum
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Day: 4
My first grow. Unfortunately I had to stabilize the plant. I think it unfortunately didn't get enough light and bent a lot. I hope it continues to grow anyway.
a year ago
Professor Chag How is it doing now? You need to increase the light intensity or move down the light closer. The lack of a good quality light source or too much distance between the plants and the lamp forces them to stretch in order to receive enough light to develop.