LSD-25 #2
2 LSD-25 Autos in 5 gallon smart pots grown in Fox Farms Happy Frog soil. Grown outdoors using the California sun and Fox Farms nutrients.
LSD-25 outdoor
Day 15 (Week 3)
1 update
2 photos
Day: 15

It’s been 15 days since dropping the seeds into Pop Rooter cubes to germinate. Only two of the three seeds popped. Fed tap water daily first week then every other day. This is the first nutrient feeding. Using a 32oz mason jar I added a 1/4 teaspoon of Grow Big and a 1/2 tablespoon of Big Bloom. Water PH at tap was 7.14. I lowered PH to 6.12 and it read steady after adding nutes. I also spun the containers 180 degrees. They look strong thus far.
6 years ago