

Outdoor grow

Summer 2021

My second outdoor grow and let me tell you the bigger the pot the bigger the plants and I’m not used to it yet but hopefully I figure it out 😂😂 these plants are out of control

Runts muffin

Day 67 (Week 10)

3 updates

6 photos

Day: 67

I still wish she was bigger but I got some clones s we’ll see what happens

4 years ago

Day: 57

She’s not that much younger than the rest but I did stunt her by messing up her roots by throwing her across the room long story but I did save her and she’s doing so good and I’m taking more care of her by giver her nutrients more frequently than the other plants because I did run into some deficiencies so this time I am going to do more feedings especially to the big plants

4 years ago


Caliban Threw her across room?? 🤭.


pandalover Yah 😂😂 it’s a long story but she recovered and im happy with her and I still have another seed for next year

Day: 57


She’s got big leaves omg

4 years ago