

The Mother

Black D.O.G mother.

I recently decided to try out growing indoor after a few outdoor seasons with some good yields. I picked a nice strain to learn with. I am going to use this as a mother plant to clone plants for a bigger indoor season.

Black D.O.G

Day 91 (Week 13)

19 updates

37 photos

Day: 91

Defoliate today. She’s growing strong and fast.

4 years ago

Day: 90


Pictures from yesterday I think. Clovers coming through in all the pots now. Good growth. Slight nute overdose. No activity with clones yet

4 years ago

Day: 84

Decent growth since the last clone harvest. The clones are doing well, no root growth yet in the water but I’m sure they will pull through in a couple days. Clovers are sprouting, prepared other pots with clover seed, before I plant the clones. Right pots: hm potting soil with peat and pearlite, left pots: Gromore potting mix.

4 years ago

Day: 80


FUUUUUUUUU. Broke one of the new top branches while adjusting LST after take two more clones. I feel dumb but she won’t die so I’ll be okay. Water run off is about 6.5 ph. Watering at about 5.5 ph around 600 ppm with liquid kelp and calmag. Still waiting for roots on the clones, I’m not expecting anything too quick but I’m anxious to fill my tent.

4 years ago


teddy2glovez I should kick ya ass 😂😂😂 atleast it was only one doe


pangolin Bro😂 my heart is broken😂 but she lives


teddy2glovez Wat u do wit it .. u can’t clone it

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Day: 76


Big clipping today. Took two clones off the mother, using water and some rooting hormone. Hopefully these take better than the last. Fingers crossed.

4 years ago


mystrain420 I’ve got good results when using a dark bottle like the drink Arizona or a soda can. Since the light kills roots I think it helps to use something dark and it’ll keep the water cooler. Good luck 👍🏾


pangolin Thank you for the advice, I’ll probably find another container or maybe something like pain the current ones

Day: 75

Taking to the new light well it seems. Slight defoliation on lower unwanted branches. Happy with growth and progress. Temp is a few degrees higher since the installation of the new light but nothing too crazy.

4 years ago

Day: 74

Picked up a new 200w COB light yesterday. Growth is good and healthy. Watering with supplemented PHed water when needed.

4 years ago

Day: 71


Lots of nice green growth, LST is working a treat. Treated soil for a mold issue. Good growth with some good cloning sights on their way.

4 years ago

Day: 67

Defoliated quite a bit, should see some good outward growth soon. Slightly strange leaf development. But otherwise happy with her.

4 years ago

Day: 63

No vertical growth yet after top. Healthy new growth on 4 remaining branches. Taking well to LST.

4 years ago

Day: 62

TOP DAY! I have brought her down to 12 cm with 4 healthy branches under LST. I waited as long as I could to make sure she was strong enough to handle the stress as she is my last seed. I have taken the top and hopefully will get a good clone from it.

4 years ago

Day: 60

Top node is pushing 19cm. Huge growth with a wider spectrum of light. Regular watering, on and off nutrients. More LST. Almost time to top and take an opportunist clone. Happy with the Mother’s progress.

4 years ago


pangolin Some ugly leaves after my failed FIM. But it hasn’t seemed to have affected the plant in any way.

Day: 54

Started LST. Light defoliation. Top node is at 15.5cm. Iron deficiency almost gone. FIM failed. Waiting for more growth to top traditionally. Feeding 3 part nutrients. Root growth is rapid and healthy. Leafs are darkening well.

4 years ago

Day: 51

15.5 cm. Light defoliation in preparation for LST.

4 years ago

Day: 50

15cm in height, slow growth but roots are healthy and spreading nicely.

4 years ago

Day: 49

F*ck, I missed.

4 years ago

Day: 48


She has been in my new tent (180x180x200cm) for a week now and is showing some amazing growth under my duel 50w 6000k custom lights.

4 years ago

Day: 21

After a difficult start with some lucky recoveries she went under a blue and red led in a makeshift room with a fan and 24 hour light for about another week or two. Medium: 50% organic home made potting soil, 25% pearlite, 25% peat. With some expanded clay.

4 years ago

Day: 1

I am calling this day 1 because I’m not sure when the mother sprouted but after the first two died I planted the seed that would become the mother. Had some melting issues with the seedlings. It’s been a bit wet recently and I have been overwatering.

4 years ago