Gene the headless ape
AK-47 Auto
Three AK-47 solo cup grow
Two in coco, perlite, vermiculite mix. One in dwc solo cup grow. First time trying hydro and solo cup grow. Mars Hydro ts600 100w light. 2x2 tent
Day 50 (Week 8)
5 updates
9 photos
Day: 50
They haven’t been drinking as much lately not sure why but seem to be doing ok. Might try to remove top top soil to top dress some castings
a year ago
combatmedic81 Looks like nuts burn pretty bad
Gene the headless ape Probably I’m not really worried about it can’t reverse it theyve been showing signs before it looked like cal/mag deficiency
Day: 39
Small girls getting thick
a year ago
Day: 29
Staring to flower, small plants probably root bound from solo cups
a year ago
Day: 20
Girls are growing, watered today
a year ago
Day: 14
Moved to a new tent will feed again next week
a year ago