
First grow EVER! Indoors 2x2x3 tent

Light and tent just arrived today! I’m super excited

Still waiting for my other bigger pots, thermometer and humidity device, fans. 3 of 5 seeds germinated today 10/25/20.

Big Bud Auto

Day 5 (Week 1)

3 updates

5 photos

Day: 5

Accidentally knocked these two over 2 days ago but they recover nicely and are sprouting super fast! I was devastated when it happened.

4 years ago

Day: 4

Planted germinated seeds, still waiting on 2 more bigger pots to plant other germinated seeds in.

4 years ago

Day: 2


3 of 5 seeds germinated. Moving over to pots tonight or tomorrow. So excited for my first grow. I’m trying my luck with big bud Auto

4 years ago

cranky13 What strain?