

First Grow 2x4 Tent

Planted 4/19/21

Plants died from neglect


Day 40 (Week 6)

16 updates

131 photos

Day: 40


Pictures from a few days ago vs pictures from today. Super thirsty plants I gave them all a solid drink and they’re outgrowing their containers too. I’m gonna have to pick my favorite 3 females here soon to transplant and save on space.

4 years ago

Day: 27


Getting pretty crowded in here, just keeping an eye out for any males to pull them on out and give my girls some proper room. I watered yesterday and today I topped a few of the heartier plants after taking pictures with all of them. Nacho Libre is looking a little bit mutant, I think I might get rid of that one in a few days whether or not it’s a male just to free up some more room.

4 years ago


majerlozer Pots were all drying up so I watered again too.

Day: 22


Still showing some yellow which I think is a symptom of underwatering/watering in the wrong pH zone, I need to check on them more often and make sure they’re not drying out. Finally got a pH control kit so I can make sure the water is how the plants want it. Anyways, Ricky Julian and Bubbles are shaping up to be my favorite looking plants, if they’re all female I think I’ll opt to keep them around🤞.

4 years ago

Day: 21


Gave a decent watering for what seemed like pretty much the first time, it didn’t dry out too quick and the pots seemed well saturated, still really need to get to my horticulture shop for that pH adjustment but they’re looking nice in my opinion.

4 years ago

Day: 17


Transplant day, it’s getting a little crowded already, just waiting for them to start showing any signs of sex so I can see which ones to pick from to give them better space accommodations and chop the ones I don’t need or can’t use.

4 years ago

Day: 16


Closeups of all the (hopefully) girls. Finally calibrated my pH pen today and it looks like the water I’ve been giving them is about 5.6 which would explain the miscoloration I’ve been seeing. Gonna need to pick up some pH up and down to adjust and get these girls back on track for success.

4 years ago

Day: 15


Couple pics before bed, gave stupid uneven watering without thinking about it.

4 years ago

Day: 14

Snapped a couple pictures post watering pre bedtime, noticing a couple of spots on Silent Bob, plus the overall canopy is a little on the yellow side/not as green as I would hope or think so I know I’m doing something wrong, just not sure what yet. I watered with just water last night, no CalMag, still pretty antsy about transplanting, it will probably be within a day or two to give their stems a lil extra support.

4 years ago

Day: 13


Seedlings are starting to get bigger than the cups, transplanting soon, probably tomorrow or tonight if I get too impatient. I’m gonna put them in Happy Frog, hopefully they enjoy it and hopefully it’s easy enough for me to use as a first timer 😂. Finally got an oscillating fan for the tent, it’s a little powerful just hoping it doesn’t hurt the plants it just makes them stronger🤞.Thanks for keeping up with my first grow, all the feedback so far has been wonderful and very helpful, much appreciated!

4 years ago


NovaCanee How big is your tent that’s a lot of plants lol


majerlozer @NovaCanee it’s only a 2x4x5, i expect to have to part with a bare minimum of half of them I just want to make sure I get to keep at least 3 or 4 females to play around with for my first run


majerlozer @NovaCanee Forgot to mention they’re unfeminized so idk which ones I’ll actually get to see through to the end lol

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Day: 12


Bunch of pictures of the little guys, they’re starting to get a little bigger it’s exciting to watch them grow every day. I’m still stressed for them and how hard they stretched, thinking about adding more soil to the cups or repotting soon, I just don’t want them to snap under the weight of growth. Gave them some more water with a little calmag (about 3/5ths of the recommended amount) this morning after a day or two of no water. I’ve noticed some of the leaves curling up or down, I think it’s because my fan doesn’t rotate, I need to get a new one.

4 years ago


majerlozer @Troy.Farms Thanks for the tips, I’m getting antsy for transplant so I’ll probably do that in a day or two, they could definitely use that support on their stems. I do need to get a fan that oscillates bc this one that’s stationary really isn’t doing it for these seedlings. I’ve kept the dimmer down to about 35% so far, but I’ll turn it up after transplanting.

Day: 9


Soil seems very dried out, gonna spray around the edges of the cups. Got a little picture of my fan in this one too, it doesn’t oscillate, maybe I should get another one 🤷‍♂️. Also I’m feeling like the leaves are looking a little off like some sort of deficiency but I really can’t tell having no experience whatsoever, they just seem a little less vibrant than most, the green is a little faded on some of them. Any tips or advice are still greatly appreciated 😊.

4 years ago


majerlozer @Troy.Farms thanks for the tips, I’ll try it out. Don’t have any calmag but seeing as it’s a staple for almost every grow I should get me some. I have one little fan in there but I guess it’s not giving them enough airflow since the stems are looking wimpy, I’ll put my other one in on the other side too.

Day: 8


No water today, I think I’ve been overdoing it with making sure they have enough to drink, gonna let the roots seek it out for a day or two and hopefully the stronger roots help strengthen the stems up. Still feeling bad for letting these little ladies stretch up as much as I did, hopefully they’re able to pull through and come out the other side stronger considering they’re already seeming a little top heavy with just one or one and a half sets of true leaves. Still appreciate any tips y’all have to give, thanks for checking up on my first grow :)

4 years ago


mystrain420 Great tip someone one here gave me was to always have a fan going on them. I used to only have it on during the day. Good luck with them and they look good 👍🏾

Day: 7


Some of the little ones are starting to get their second set of true leaves, which is exciting for me being a first time grower lol. The soil was looking very dry so I sprayed everybody a little bit around the edges of the cups. Still have a while to go before transplant but I was wondering if you guys have any recommendations for soil, I bought a bag of the Fox Farms ocean forest bc I heard it’s good, but I was considering mixing it with Happy Frog. Any advice?

4 years ago


mystrain420 No need to mix both. You can if you’d like but as a new grower I don’t see the point, ocean forest is good for organically growing but happy frog is best for newbs imo. Ffof is know to burn seedlings. Good luck with them, they looking good 👍🏾


majerlozer @mystrain420, thanks for the continued tips they’re much appreciated. ill make sure not to put them into the ocean forest while they’re too young. I’ll probably give the happy frog a try then if it’s easier for newbies, I’ll take any help I can get lol.


skiiimannn On my 3rd grow and I love Ff ocean forest

Day: 6

Moved the light closer so they hopefully stop stretching, everyone is getting bigger true leaves and a couple of them look like they might be starting their second set which is nice. Just been spraying with water about once or twice a day whenever the soil feels dry. I’m not sure when I should transplant, if anybody can elucidate when it would be good to transplant that would be much appreciated.

4 years ago


mystrain420 Nowhere near time to transplant. A good rule of thumb you’ll see online is that u can wait until leafs reach edges of cups. If u do this method your almost guaranteed to have good root structure. Also you shouldn’t keep spraying the soil, u want it to dry so u can feed them. Wet/dry cycles are 100% the best for soil. Spray the leafs if u wanna keep up rh and this also helps root growth as you’ll see when begin cloning. Good luck with them👍🏾, it’s lots of great growers here that can help u


majerlozer @mystrain420 thanks very much for the tips, I’ll be sure to let the soil dry out fully before next watering, definitely don’t want to drown these babies or do anything to give them a weak root structure. And thanks also for the transplant advice, I’ll make sure to wait until the leaves are to the cups edge. Thanks for the good luck and advice!

Day: 4


Nine of the babies got names today and everyone got a little crutch to help stand up. I also put them into red solo cups to hopefully keep the light away from those roots so they don’t fry. I noticed their stems looked a little thin and they were a little wobbly so I figured they needed some more light, I lowered it to 2 ft above the plants and increased it from 20% to 40% power. Hopefully they all make it through my mistakes and toughen up in the stems department🤞.

4 years ago

natängza Looking good! Where’d you get those stands? I think my little guys could use them


majerlozer @natängza Thank you! It’s my first grow so I’m just hoping for the best lol, I got the drip trays from my local dollar tree they were in packs of 4, 8 inches

Day: 3


Salem loves checking in on her little ones :)

4 years ago


mystrain420 Clear cups kill roots. Good luck with them 👍🏾


mystrain420 And cats eat plants just an FYI ugh my cats caught me slipping twice 🤦🏾


Spacetron Change those cups and keep the cat out!