Auto Lemo Haze x3
Summer 2021
Seeds from Natures Nursery
Lemon Haze
Day 2 (Week 1)
7 updates
7 photos
Day: 2

1 out of 2 sprouted so far.
3 years ago
Day: 2

Crappy Growbag made out of really cheap material. Not comfortable to put the seed in as it feels like it will resolve.
3 years ago
catch22 I have encountered many of these crappy pots in SA, and they are priced the same as the good quality ones. The results you get at the end definitely matter. I prefer the ones from “Organics Matter” and “Freedom Farms” and both their souls are top notch, so I have been sticking to these 2 brands for both soil and pots.
catch22 Ment Soils, not souls 🤣🤣
Day: 2

The soil is super wet and it’s more like mud than soil.
3 years ago
catch22 What soil you using?
piperboy007 Let it dry and maybe add some perlite or coco coir to help with drainage
Day: 1

28 hrs water bath, now paper towel method
3 years ago
Day: 0

Unpacking: packaging looks nice and fun, only 1 out of 3 seeds in a small pill container.
3 years ago
catch22 What’s the brand?
Day: 0

First glance of beans - meh not soo good
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Are those Troy farms genetics 🧬