Doing Fine
Gorilla glue added
Super Soil/ Subcool Remix
Gorilla Glue From Herbies
Day 20 (Week 3)
1 update
25 photos
Day: 6

Vermiculite perlite and a little bit of super soil
2 years ago
Problumz My Mutant 🤪
Problumz I only use organic materials. And I do love you Bro. But I hate ignorance and intolerance. I apologize for how sharp my tongue is, I’ve had a lot of time to get my thoughts together told make a racist hate himself but I don’t hate you Bro. You are no different from me and vice versa
Problumz Soul is Bone meal, Worm castings, perlite, and compost teas with molasses. I even experiment with JADAM. Native Americans taught how to grow so I have the utmost respect for them. That is because I love to read all info. I use a 1-1-1 and a 5-1-1 Fish fertilizer
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