9 Strain Cattle Train
Mixed mini scrog
9 individual strains each in 5 gal smart pots. Plants are packed into the tray, probably too tight. Cutting Edge Solutions nutes, mixed in 15 gal batches bottom fed then drain to waste. Starting diary on F1
9 strains
Day 72 (Week 11)
34 updates
71 photos
Day: 72

Chopped 4 days ago, really let them max out. I don’t know how much I have but it looks like a lot. 9 strains, only half are identified because I got overzealous when I was transplanting and didn’t label them until I forgot which was which. Anyway, all stinky and all sticky. Should make for some good smoke if they flushed out enough.
7 years ago
Day: 60

It’s time, I have to chop these down. Trichomes are not as developed as I want but they’re not getting any healthier. I’ve just been delaying the inevitable. Some will be a bit premature but better than dead. I’ll be popping some Pink 2.0 soon, going to do some quick turnaround on them with short veg time. You will see in me next post.
7 years ago
Day: 55

Getting ready to chop. Hopefully I can do the next round without the pH problems and get a bigger harvest. Even with the problems this will be a good haul. You can see some light bleaching on a couple of nugg tips but they should still be good.
7 years ago
Day: 50

Nuggs are fat but plants are way stressed. Just trying to get to the finish line. Next round will be much better
7 years ago
Day: 48

Things are not looking good. The pH problem has not resolved. I’m trying to get them through 1 more week then chop them down. Next crop will be better. I’ll still get 1/2 lb or so, not the best but not the worst.
7 years ago
Sticky_Icky_BC That looks like more than half a pound! Darn I was hoping for somewhere around there, guess we can all dream
Day: 39

Emergency flush to deal with pH problem and salt buildup. I’m dumb so I saw nutrient deficiency and added nutes instead of checking pH for nute lockout. Hoping I have tine to feed 1 more time then clean them out to harvest.
7 years ago
Day: 32

Finally got the new exhaust fan! Temps were already up to 90 and the light had been on for less than an hour. I’m going to check in on the ladies in another hour and see where we are. I have the fan on medium speed and I’m pretty certain my dehumidifiers are going to be just for show now.
7 years ago
LouDawg Looking good bro where do you have carbon filter and is you intake at the same height as your exhaust? Should be at the the bottom for better air flow and heat desperation just saying
Tortuga The intake vent is at the bottom. I’m not running a carbon filter because this is legal in CA so I don’t care about the smell. They’re actually not overly stinky anyway for some reason. Either that or I’m just used to it.
Day: 27

Humidity is so high! Temps are so high! I have to get a legit exhaust fan in there or it’s going to be all bad. The little 4” booster is just not cutting it.
7 years ago
Day: 23

A lot of humidity today from the watering. I mopped up the extra moisture in the bottom of the tray to help drop it a little, but it should be back in line by tomorrow. The temps are getting up to 90 at their peak, which is not optimal. I’m going to keep pushing lots of sugars into these girls to fatten them up. By tomorrow I should see if the extra nitrogen is helping with color.
7 years ago
Day: 22

Humidity is a bit better. Temps are a bit high. Hit them with a touch more nitrogen and added mykos, azos and recharge to the standard Cutting Edge Solutions mix chart with max sugars. 10 gal batch had 5 extra ml of Veg for the added nitrogen. Tuned it in to 6.4 before adding Plant Amp. Flooding the table the water comes about 20% up the smart pots, then let it sit and wick everything up. I dump the excess after it wicks up and that should keep them wet until Sunday. I’ll probably do 10 gals of pHed water Sunday, then feed again Monday.
7 years ago
Day: 21

Put 2 more cage fans in, hoping the airflow will help with temps and humidity but I’m sure it’s just a bandaid. I’ll probably move my thermometer/hygrometer down lower by the canopy, I’m sure I’m not getting accurate readings up at the top of the tent by the lights. Plucked a few leaves as always to help airflow and light penetration. I’ll be watering after work with a little bit extra nitrogen to help with the slight yellowing on the leaves on some of the plants. It’s hard having 9 different strains because they all have different needs so doing a flood/drain does not allow me to customize their nutrients as much.
7 years ago
Day: 20

Got back from a long weekend and the girls are looking good, nugging up nicely. The new dehumidifier is working well, got the humidity down to around 50%. I’ll be able to feed more than once a week now to really fatten those flowers.
7 years ago
Day: 16

I know the canopy is way too dense, I’ll defoliate when I get back in a couple days. Put in a new dehumidifier so that should help
7 years ago
Day: 16

Light watering today with full flower nutes
7 years ago
Day: 16

Going to raise the lights in the morning because I’m going to be out of town all weekend. Gotta make room for any more stretch
7 years ago
Day: 16

Last shots before I head out, and a couple shots of the outdoor. I know it’s early for them to be this flowered, they don’t listen to me at all! Crazy out of control daughters
7 years ago
Day: 15

The stretch on the bubba kush is insane! The girls are starting to nugg up nicely now. Heavy water tomorrow, then I’m gone for 3 days! I hate to leave them alone but excited to see the growth.
7 years ago
Day: 15

Plucking a couple leaves each day to get the air flowing but hoping not to shock the girls or slow them down. I’m looking for max nuggage on these.
7 years ago
Day: 14

They are loving the light brighter lights. New dehumidifier comes in a day or two so I can get the humidity down. Should really pump out growth after that
7 years ago
Day: 14

Roots are poking the sides of the smart pots so they’re basically maxed out. Now just have to get them drinking substantially faster to stack those colas
7 years ago
Day: 13

Gave the girls a very light trim, need to take a TON more leaves off. I’m seeing moisture on touching leaves which could spell a moldy disaster. I’ll be putting another dehumidifier in there too. That should help them drink more quickly so I can plump them up better.
7 years ago
Day: 13

Finally have the lights on full power. Once the girls get thinned out they’ll be able to efficiently utilize the light.
7 years ago
Day: 12

Lots of stretch, they’re coming up through the support net now. Going to turn up the lights in another week or so.
7 years ago
Day: 12

Bud sites forming, going to need to do some heavy defoliation so the colas get nice and fat
7 years ago
Day: 7

We’ll see if they survive all by themselves. Tomorrow will be their first flowering nutes
7 years ago
Day: 5

Growing so fast, I’ll have to lift the light again soon
7 years ago
Day: 5

Going to have to thin again soon or I’ll have a real humidity problem
7 years ago
Day: 3

They’re actually starting to green out again, didn’t do anything to them. I’ll probably mix up some calmag to foliage feed tomorrow, see how they do. They’ll be on flower nutes next water so there will be some changes for sure.
7 years ago
Day: 3

Going to be pushing heavy sugars on these too max out nuggage and aroma
7 years ago
Day: 2

Top view
7 years ago
Day: 2

The girls are a bit too light in color for my liking. I’ll probably mix a custom foliage spray to try and darken them a bit. They keep bushing out, humidity is going to be a problem.
7 years ago
Day: 1

Humidity is a bit high, that will need to be controlled to avoid mold.
7 years ago
Day: 1

Turned the lights up to between 66-75%, will push to full power in 2 weeks. Going to need 2 more fans and a bigger exhaust.
7 years ago
Day: 0

Just switched to 12/12 today, stripped them down moderately after a severe stop 10 days ago. Spread with a net, support net in place.
7 years ago