
Chemmy Jones

Connoisseur Genetics

Come along the journey as we try to find the right pheno type from 10 regular seeds!

Casey Jones x Chemdawg BX2

Day 2 (Week 1)

3 updates

6 photos

Day: 2


After waiting a bit over 24hrs; more root development happened. Now it’s a good size to put these germinated seeds into some rockwool.

5 years ago

Hibok Used some Roots Excelurator by House and Garden

Day: 1

Seeds are sprouting after 24hrs with the paper towel method. 👍 will give it another day to fully sprout before transplanting into rockwool cubes

5 years ago

Day: 0

Germinating 10 regular seeds under paper towel , ceramic plates, and on top of fridge

5 years ago