
2nd grow


5 plant grow possibly adding more seeds

Blue dream cherry pie

Day 129 (Week 19)


19 updates

142 photos

Day: 129


Finally chopped them. Dry period begins

2 years ago

Day: 127

Going into 72 hr dark period 10/9

2 years ago

Day: 126


A little late but week 9 of flower the last week

2 years ago

Day: 114


Week 8 of flower

2 years ago

Day: 108


Week 7 of flower almost harvest time 🤗

2 years ago

Day: 101


Week 6 of flower

2 years ago

Day: 95


Week 5 of flower

2 years ago

Day: 87


Week 4 of flower still no buds developed but getting there

2 years ago

Day: 80


Week 3 of flower

2 years ago

Day: 77


Got the worse news today 🥺 two of my plants are males. Hopefully I got them out in time

2 years ago

Day: 72


Week 2 of flower

2 years ago

Day: 65


Switched to flower yesterday 8/8

2 years ago

Day: 58


One of the branches snapped but not all the way so I was able to tie and tape it back together 🥴. Overall plant growth seems to be slowing down on that plant

2 years ago

Day: 55


Looking droopy but just recharged them which should perk them up

2 years ago

Day: 48


Jus watered with recharge

2 years ago

Day: 44


Jus came back from vacation. About to start nutrient feedings and LST

2 years ago

Day: 35


Pic update

2 years ago

Day: 34

I got one plant that looks like it’s stunted. Also added a 2nd tent 🤗

2 years ago

Day: 23

Jus put another seed in solo cup

2 years ago