

My first grow - Blackberry Auto

Christmas 2020

1 seedling in 3 gal fabric pot using Mars Hydro TS-600 light and Mar hydro 2x2x5 tent, Taotronics humidifier with humidistat, 2 small desk fans. Using Canna Coco A+B, Cal-Mag, Recharge. That's it Edit: Now using SpiderFarmer SF1000

Blackberry Auto from Fastbuds

Day 105 (Week 15)

25 updates

107 photos

Day: 105


The End! She's done and in the cure process. All told she produced over 5oz of bud and 6g of kief from one 3 gal Blackberry Auto. I could not be happier. The smell is just incredible. Lemony with hints of gasoline, the buds are so sticky and leave your fingers covered in tric's. Highly recommend getting a trim Bin to collect the kief with. All in all this process has taught me so much and I've been able to pass that knowledge on to so many people. Stay tuned for season 2. I'm going to start from seed on that one to show the entire process and I'll keep better notes now that I know what info people really request the most. This is such a great community, thank you all to those who have helped me along the way. I'm looking forward to sharing my next grow with you all. Like always questions or comments are greatly appreciated!

4 years ago


NorthernGrow204 Beautiful colours on those buds 👌 5 oz on one plant is a great yield too, nice work.

canadakush519 5 oz is amazing for an auto flower grown indoors do you mind if I ask what nutrients you are running?


dolomight That’s a bomb ass yield for a auto! Congratulations homie

Day: 95


I cut her down. She's done and drying at about 75 degrees at 60% humidity. I'm shooting for trimming and curing this coming Saturday. I'll post more updates of the trimming process.

4 years ago

cranky_vet Wow, I love the deep purple color!

Day: 88


Whelp, today was supposed to be chop day. Plans changed, I posted over on Reddit and the general consensus there is I should wait another week based off the pictures I posted. So that's what I'm going to do. Still going to feed water only and PH to 5.50-6.0. She's slowing down big-time on the water uptake. I'm down to water almost once every two days now instead of every 24 hours. I'm getting ready for harvest. I've bought 2 sets of Chikamasa bonsai trimming Scissors and 2 trim bins so the wife and I can trim these buds up when it's time. Still learning the harvesting process so hopefully everything goes smoothly but we'll see. She's putting off some different scents/tones the more she ripens. She smelling primarily of citrus. She's lost her onion smell and smells pretty heavily of Ginger. So the tones from most dominate to least is - Lemon/Citrus, Ginger, with some heavier gasoline undertones. Other than that nothing much lol. Questions or comments are always greatly appreciated

4 years ago

letzbebudz What a massive auto. Congrats! I’m on my second grow and chopped my first one about a week too soon and really regretted it so I think you’re doing the right thing. I have pretty much an identical setup to yours and would be ecstatic if my two plants combined produced that much!


optimusmatrix Thank you very much! This is my first grow and you're definitely an encouragement for my second grow. I really appreciate the kind words!


dolomight This looks like an xxl auto how big you got it!!! Congratulations homie good growing

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Day: 81

Smaller update today. T-minus 1 week till chippty chop. She's only on ph'd water to 6.0 from here on out. Got 2 trim bins on the way with a couple pairs of Chikamasa Scissors. I'm going to germinate my new grow within the next week or so. I'm really excited for that one because it'll be in my new tent. I fed this morning, a little more than 24 hours after my last feed. Still feeding 1 gallon, but she's getting run off at half now instead of quarter left. I'll have to keep an eye on that. She's slowing down on the water uptake I think and really starting to change colors. Her smell is getting more complex too. I'm so excited to harvest in a week. Questions, comments, and suggestions are always greatly appreciated!

4 years ago


optimusmatrix Thank you. I appreciate it!


Greenstalk That is a majestic plant! Amazing job!

docnraq Looks great! I wanna smoke some...gonna have to grow that one.

Day: 78


Taste test report incoming but first..So I've done some thinking and I think I'm cutting nutrients as of tomorrow. I last fed 9.4ml CannaCoco A+B, 6ml of Calmag, and 1/2 tsp Recharge. About a week ago I pulled off a small nugget and let it air dry in my tent. Yesterday I decided to test it. I used my Fury Edge with the dosing caps. Holy shit this is some potent stuff. I don't know if it's that I'm used to the dispensary weed but it only took one cap to get to the level it normally takes two with the dispensary weed. This stuff is going to be incredible with a proper cure. Think I'm gonna give her one more week then it's chop chop. She's got lots of milky trichromes and starting to get some Amber ones. As always, questions or comments are encouraged and appreciated. Thank you.

4 years ago

cranky_vet Looks good. I’m sure the smell is delicious

Day: 72


We’re entering the final stretch, the final two weeks. She’s just putting on weight at this point. Every bloom is just super dense and sticky with resin. Like I said is the final two weeks so I’m going to start stepping down my nutrients with a catch, I’ll explain. CannaCoco A+B is now at 9.4ml every day from here on out. Calmag is now at 6ml, I’ve upped this one. The reason why is I see so many plants cut Calmag out and I understand why because flushing, however their plants yellow out like crazy. I believe that’s avoidable and still end up with a product that’s just as good. The buds are using nutrients like crazy right now and most people start their flushing two weeks out or so, so for that entire two week period where growth could be continued the plant suffers from nutrient deficiencies. I’ve seen lots of pictures where people have done both methods, I’ve decided to up Calmag for one week to 6-7ml from 5ml and then I’ll back it down slowly the last week. Growing in coco the nutes flush quick through her. Recharge I’m gonna continue to feed at the current 1/2tsp for the next week then phase out completely the final week. Silica Blast I’ll feed 1/2tsp for one more week as well then cut the last week. The last 2 or 3 days I’m going to run PH’d water only. I thought about running 48 hours lights off but decided to just harvest when I have the time on a Saturday. I’ve read a lot on the subject and it seems most professional growers don’t do the 48 hours of darkness before harvest method. I just hit two caps of Boomtown out of my Fury Edge and I’m trying to remember everything and still sound coherent. I’ll re-read everything in the morning so that it makes sense to myself. As always questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. This is my first grow so I ALWAYS have room for improvement.

4 years ago


growlow I have to say, for your first grow this is some incredible work. Great job, you’re a natural!


JuanO Looking good...nice heavy buds.


optimusmatrix Thank you very much. I appreciate that. It hasn’t been easy and the amount of time I’ve put into learning before I ever jumped in, my wife wants to kill me lol. But I’m growing because I have celiac disease and this is the only medication on Planet Earth that works for me. So I’m giving it my all. Thank you again!

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Day: 68

So I haven’t updated in a few days because I’ve been waiting on an upgrade! My new light finally came in! I went with a SpiderFarmer SF1000. It’s a Cadillac compared to my Mars Hydro. This new light has a dimmer on it which is really great when you’re working inside the tent so you’re not absolutely blinded. I just need to remember to turn the dimmer back up. Yesterday I let her go 12 hours because I forgot to turn the dimmer back up. Still feeding every 24 hours just about. I’m maxing out my nutes right now at 14.4ml for my CannaCoco A+B every feeding, 5ml Calmag every feeding. 1/2-3/4tsp Silica Blast every other feeding, 1/2tsp Real Growers Recharge every other watering. I’m trying to keep my humidity around 50%. I’m guessing about 2 more weeks on her. If you have any questions or suggestions I’m all ears so please don’t hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

4 years ago

Day: 63

She's filling out! I've reached day 63 and I've been looking and it says the harvest time on her is 9-10 weeks so I think I'm getting close. I used my microscope to check my trichromes and they look pretty milky. From everything I've read I want to wait until they're more Amber. I've upped my nutrients to full dose at 12.8ml of both Cannacoco A+B. I think she's starting to reach her final stages where the blooms start to fill out and fatten up. I've never done this before so as always comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated and I do take them all into consideration.

4 years ago


FireBudz During your last week of flowering do you want to just feed it water to flush it flushing is just getting rid of all the nutrients that you use you want yellowing of your leaves you have to try to Guess an estimate when you think the hairs are going to turn Amber


volcanobag Good looking color are you gonna flush the green out before you pull them?

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Day: 57


Oh man, so I'm going to have to start wearing gloves from here on out when handling her. She's getting super sticky and the citrus smell is starting to be off the charts. I fed tonight and upped my nutrients to 12ml per gal of CannaCoco A+B every feed here on out until she starts getting fat then I'll up again. Silica Blast is still 1/2tsp every other feeding. Recharge is still 1/2tsp every other feeding as well. CalMag is 5ml per gal every feeding. I'm feeding about every 24 hours and getting about 25% run off. My pH of my water coming out of the bottom during feeding is generally .25-50 lower than what's going in at feeding which is exactly what I want to see. Shows that my lady is using nutrients and the waste is being flushed away. I’m no longer defoliating, letting her ride from here on out. Things are going great. Comments or suggestions are always appreciated. Have a great night!

4 years ago

mshiz This looks fucking spot on mate! I’m on my second ever grow atm and will be looking to SCROG very similar to yours only difference is I’m doing DWC


NDelementos continuing your work, incredible

bgeezy Jesus that’s an auto

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Day: 54


Things have been going well the last couple days. I’m feeding about every 24 hours now. Down from about twelve as she was expanding so quickly. She’s really starting to frost up and get some nice deep purple hues on her. Looking forward to seeing the buds starting to stack. Will get some better pictures here soon. Thinking of busting out my dslr. Other than that I’m running the same feeding schedule alternating silica Blast and recharge into every other watering. Just be careful using silica blast. It’ll make your PH skyrocket so always it it first before any other nutrients. Then you can finish up with your Calmag. It’ll PH down your feed. Questions and comments always encouraged! Have a great Valentine’s Day!

4 years ago

Day: 51

It is what it is. That’s the motto of tonight’s update. I’ve tucked and defoliated for the last time. Everything is tucked down as much as I can get it and it’s just watching the process from here on out. I fed this morning (CannaCoco A+B, Calmag, Silica Blast, Recharge) and I fed her to soon. I normally know when she’s ready by how much she weighs. Always pick up your plant when you water and also right before you water. That way you’ll always know when she needs water by feel instead of relying on your eyes on the soil. Great advice! Too bad I didn’t listen to my own. I started feeding this morning and immediately I noticed she wasn’t uptaking nearly as quickly. I was committed at that point though because I had to flush out the old nutes and replace them with the new. I over watered her, not by a whole lot but enough for me to notice. I picked her up too before I water and thought for a split second she was too heavy but was so headstrong I went ahead and did it anyways. Trust your knowledge on these things. It’s what I should have done. She’ll be just fine I’ll just have to wait a little longer to feed her next time. No biggie. She’s starting to get so frosty. I’m getting excited. I’ve started thinking about my next grow, season 2. Gonna take a look at some autos and see what I come across. I’d love to get some Mephisto seeds but I’ve got no idea where to find them and every place I do see them is always sold out. I’ll look around Reddit and see what I find. I did a 24 hour time-lapse today with my grow cam. Came out ok. Gonna play with the settings a little more to see what I can come up with. I’d love to get a nice bloom time-lapse. Other than that life is good. It is what it is. Questions and comments are highly encouraged. I’m still learning so much. Thanks for reading!

4 years ago


iGrowCulture What do you have your time-lapse settings at on the Wyze Cam?

Day: 48

Bring on the Blackberry! We finally have some color in some of the buds. Fingers crossed but I think she's going to put out some gorgeousness here soon. I'm going to try a technique here that was recommended to me over on Reddit. Once the branches get 6 inches past the scrog I'm going to tuck them under the scrog again. I've also added a wyze $25 web cam and MicroSD I got off Amazon so I can do time lapses. I'm a little late to this grow for it but next grow it should make for some interesting videos from seed. I fed tonight and I'm now using 10.2 ml of each Cannacoco A+B, 4.5ml CalMag. I skipped in Silica blast and recharge this watering. Still continue to defoliate where I see promising bud sites and taking out ones that aren't gonna go anywhere. Cut out the bottom scrog net. Wasn't doing anything anymore. Next time I'll buy from my local hydroponics store. I got this white one there for a fraction of the price and it's supporting local. Feedback and questions are always welcome!

4 years ago

docnraq Such a deep purple color. So beautiful. 1st, great job you are doing here, like a pro.

docnraq Oops...stupid fat fingers...anyhow. I’d like to ask you about when the purple started coming in. Aside from the genetics you choose, did you do anything to bring out the color? I been reading about ice and the ides seems odd.


optimusmatrix Yeah I’ve read that lowering the temp can cause this as well. I’ve also read that if you’re growing below 70 F then your trichromes might not develop fully. Take that information with a grain of salt. I think the colors depend more on the genetics than the environmental factors. I got the seeds from fastbuds so if you Google blackberry auto fastbuds it should come up with the exact strain this one is.

Day: 46

Nutrients discussion. My feeding chart is the last slide. It's in .5 Gal and specific to Canna Coco A+B. This is my first grow and before I jumped in I studied what was literally months. I looked at soil vs Coco vs hydro. I've looked at damn near every nutrient option available. I narrowed it down to Cannacoco due to the simplicity of the nutes and the quality of the plants I've seen grown using it. There's just so much anecdotal on what strengths and stuff to water at. So I did what any rational person would do and I emailed them directly. They replied and said to use at full strength according to their feeding chart on their website. That's what I've been doing and the results speak for themselves. I placed another scrog net to hopefully get the canopy under control. Same trip I've also picked up some liquid silica I'll be adding to my feeding schedule as well. The guy at the store told me it'll PH up every thing so add it first before anything else. Gonna have to read a little more before I add this into the schedule though. I absolutely cannot wait to see the buds form up on this lady. Lemme know if you have any questions or comments. Have a great day!

4 years ago

Day: 45


Every day she's getting bigger and bigger. I posted over on r/autoflowers about her height. I'm concerned with her having too many tops and the amount of energy it's taking to power all those tops. Should I be stepping up my nutes because of all those tops? These are the answers I seek. I will say this being my first grow it's been challenging just from a lack of central repository for knowledge on this stuff. I've really had to watch hundreds of hours of video and read countless websites. I'm hoping it'll all be worth it in the end!

4 years ago


combatmedic81 She looks good, I would not overdo nutes, but definitely makes sure you are adding a bloom nute


smashville730 It’s just going to take a little longer to finish up but you should lollipop lower canvas and open up the middle of plant so you won’t get to many small popcorn buds good luck happy growing


PlantDaddyX Wow that's nice.

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Day: 44


Man! She's getting huge. Haven't updated in a little while because not a lot has been happening but I think all that's starting to change. She's starting to get little white hairs. I'm having to defoliate her a lot, I feel she's growing leaves faster than I can take them off. I'm feeding 1 gallon now and the rate I'm having to feed is starting to uptick significantly. Almost every 12 hours. I think I waited too long to feed last night and she dried out a little bit. But bounced right back once she got some water in her roots. Will try and post updates more often now that stuff is happening. I'm really curious about this phase. I always see pictures of the beginning and end stages of the bud but never the formation so I'm excited to see what happens.

4 years ago


combatmedic81 Looks good


optimusmatrix I appreciate it!


BradLee101090 You’re rug is awesome 👌 lol. Nice work on this plant!

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Day: 32

Fed this morning. Usual mix .5 Gal pale Canna Coco A+B 4.3ML, 3 ML CalMag, Recharge. I also fed yesterday morning. I think I'm getting to the point where a half gallon ain't gonna cut it. I didn't hardly get any runoff this feeding. I think the roots are really taking off now. Next feeding gonna go a whole gal and see what happens. Did some LST on some of the branches to try and even out the canopy. Things are going well I think. I post over on r/autoflower and they said she's looking good so thats good I guess. Raised light to 21 inches to try and get her to stretch just slightly. I'm feeling she's slightly stocky. As usual I'm open to feedback and I do welcome it as this is my very first grow ever.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Woke up to go to work today and she was pretty dry on the coco up top. Had to feed this morning the usual routine 4.3 ml Canna coco A+B, 2ml Calmag, pinch of recharge. Ph’d to 6.4. I raised the light up 2 inches to a total of 19 inches. She grew almost an inch over night. I’m going to start measuring the canopy so I can keep track on how big she’s getting. Still don’t have name yet, I’ll think of something. Overall things look ok to me then again this is my first grow so I could just be biased but I don’t see any outward deficiencies. I’ll update again tomorrow.

4 years ago


mystrain420 Looks really good I only see one problem and that’s if I’m looking for one


optimusmatrix Definitely open to suggestions. What you got?


mystrain420 The petiole on the leaf in the front bud starting to turn the pinkish color associated with a calcium deficiency but like I said I’d have to be looking for something wrong to notice that and it’s not showing on the new growth so it’s likely that it’s not a problem, she probably can just use 1 ML more of calcium. I’d leave her tho. Great job on a first grow

Day: 27


So I’ve fed twice in two days. I think she’s suffering from a slight nute deficiency. I think I waited too long to start and didn’t give them enough at the beginning and now I’m playing catch-up. Gave the usual Canna Coco a+b, cal-mag, recharge. Ph’d to 6.3 fed a little under a half gal. I’m slightly worried about over watering but everything I’ve read says don’t worry about over watering. I also did the napkin test on top of my coco by pressing it into the coco and it came out dry. I guess we’ll see. Scrogging is going ok. I topped the other night and the canopy is starting to even out. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to raise my net slightly or keep tucking, back to YouTube tomorrow during lunch to find out.

4 years ago


InfectedAlonso Looks good after only 27 days mate! Good job🤩

Day: 23


Things are looking better today! May be short lived or long term, hoping long term though. I'm trying some tucking and lst on the top node just to allow some of the undergrowth get some light to it. She's almost 10 inches tall now. Was gonna bust out the scrog net but decided to wait a little longer. Probably gonna feed tomorrow. Temp is 75, humidity I'm struggling to get down. Got my taotronics humidistat set to 65. We'll see what happens tonight. I started running my inline fan as well due to the smell. She's really starting to get some stankiness to her. Still running 24hr light schedule. Gonna try flipping to 18/6 tomorrow during lunch break. Forgot to do it today at lunch. Gonna have to set a reminder for myself tomorrow during lunch so I don't forget. Nervous about pinning those leaves up. Last time I did that things went to hell and it took a while to fix. My first grow so might as well ball so hard 🤷‍♂️. Crashing, I'll update tomorrow.

4 years ago

Day: 22


Not really sure whats going on. Tips are dropping more today. I decided to top it tonight on a whim. We'll see what happens. I'm concerned about the dropping tips and open to suggestions. Light is at 24 inches. Humidity is 70 temp is 74. Turned off light for the first time tonight ever from 6-10. Gonna start putting on an 18/6 schedule tomorrow from 12-6 off. Edit. I topped during this time as well. Whoever says autos can’t be topped doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Look at my grow later.

4 years ago

Day: 21


That isn’t going so well. Dropped my humidity to 60 and she’s really droopy today. I think I might go back to where I was two days ago. I did give some water that has some Calmag in it last night. I fed a few nights ago so I’m wondering if she’s over watered. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

4 years ago

Day: 21


Fed tonight and watered. Leaves were droopy and soil was dry. I’m thinking I’m not watering enough. I’m starting to get some yellowing on the tips which makes me think it’s a nute deficiency. So I watered half gal with 3.5ml of CannaCoco A+b, Calmag, and Recharged. I PH’d to 6.5 and then watered until run off. I PH’d runoff and it was 5.8. I’m worried about those yellowing tips. Gonna keep an eye out. Keeping humidity around 65 and Temp around 75. We’ll see what she looks like in the morning.

4 years ago


CraigBengfort Yellowing tips is usually a sign of nutrient burn which is from too much nutrients

Day: 19


Things going well thinking about topping. Don’t know how close I am so I’ll have to watch some videos. I’m not too sure on if I’m gonna train or just go with a scrog and start tucking. I’m open to suggestions.

4 years ago


spacequeenroyalhighness usually top after 5-6 nodes personally :)


Kushinator Hi mate, everything looks good! I stayed away from topping and stuck to lst and tucking/defoliation as it’s my first ever grow. I may top two girls on my next grow once these are done. Can I ask what you have underneath your pot and where you purchased it from? I’ve been looking for something similar to place under my pots.


combatmedic81 Kushinator. You can get run off pans and risers on Amazon

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Day: 18

Fed today 2.8 canna coco a and b. Used cal mag and Recharge. Ph’d water to 6.5.

4 years ago


Kushinator Is their a reason why you’re ph’ing that high? I know it’s in the range but at this stage wouldn’t it be better around the 5.8-6.0! I’ve never gone that high personally, highest I’ve ever gone is 6.2 for one girl struggling with CalMag issues.


bradtc Kushinator if you follow a nutrient absorption chart, 6.5 is kind of the best ph level for soil


Kushinator I know that mate, but seeing as he’s feeding Canna Coco A+B I’m going to assume he’s not using soil but is using coco, if so the then the optimum ph uptake levels are different!! For hydro including coco it’s 5.5-6.5 with 5.8/9 being the optimum (not always the case as some strains can differ)

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Day: 12

Fed today using Canna Coco Feeding guide- light feedings. Gave Cal-Mag and recharge. I noticed the left leaf seems to be deformed and looks like two leaves connect. Not sure if this was from a lack of nutrients at the beginning. I waited too long to give nutrients overall and will give sooner next time I grow.

4 years ago


CraigBengfort It’s just a genetic defect if you look at my grows I just found a leaf like that for the first time ever


optimusmatrix Awesome! Thank you very much!