

Mephisto Canna Cheese 1:1

Season 2 April 6, 2021

Season 2 will be done in my new SpiderFarmer 2.5x2.5x5.5 tent. Little larger than my last one. Nutes will be the same as last season. CannaCoco A+B, Calmag, Recharge, Silica Blast. Taotronics Humidifier, 2 desk fans, Vivosun In-line fan with carbon filter. The light is a SpiderFarmer SF-1000.

Mephisto Genetics Canna Cheese 1:1

Day 111 (Week 16)

22 updates

94 photos

Day: 111


Finite! She's done! Grand total was 9oz 11g. I'm blown away, just floored I ended up with this much. A good portion is going to my friend's mom with terminal cancer so this should help her a lot. I cut her down and kept my rents at 75degrees with 60% humidity. She dried for 6 days and then my wife and myself trimmed for 5 hours yesterday. Going to be starting my next grow soon in a week or so. This was Soo incredibly fun. If you have any questions or comments I'll gladly answer them. Have a great day!

3 years ago


Caliban Awesome! Congratulations!!


trichometheatre Excellent job! Such a nice person too! God bless my g!!!☮️💚🧬


TwoScoops152 Nice Work!!

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Day: 100

The downward spiral. It's been a while since I've updated. Been traveling quite a bit these last few weeks and haven't had that much of a chance to update. She's reaching the end. Her leaves are starting to become crunchy and brittle. She knows the end is near. She's on a water only diet from here on out. I've run her since last Thursday with water only PHd to 6.5. I'm going to cut her down this weekend. I'm keeping my humidity levels right around 55% at this stage. I'm having to use several supports to keep a few of her buds pointed up right. She's just so heavy she wants to fall over. I don't know what's gonna happen when I take her out of the tent. I don't think I covered the harvest stage that well last time but I plan on taking more pictures of the process and how I do it. This is the most boring part of the entire grow process for me. Probably why I haven't updated in more than a few days. I'm ready to throw something else in the ground. As soon as this lady is curing another 4 seeds are going in the ground in 1/2 gal fabric pots. Super excited for that grow. Not a whole lot to say left to say for this update. As always questions, comments, and suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

3 years ago


Caliban Nice!!


colombiano420 Did you use any specific type of training ?


optimusmatrix I topped her on the 4th node. Other than some light LST I used a trellis net and do tons of tucking and defoliating along the way. I don't go heavy on LST like a lot of people though. You can look through my journal and see I don't use a whole lot of wire. Just where I think she needs it.

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Day: 89


And the beat goes on. Feeding talk below. She’ll be ready when she’s ready is the theme of today. So looking back through my journals it seems that I’m hung up on a time frame as to when she’s going to be done. I gotta break this habit. She’ll tell me when she’s done. I do think I’m a few weeks out though. I stunted her the first few weeks with over watering I think but she bounced back just a little behind what I was expecting. I’m going to keep feeding the same amount of nutrients until about a week before and I’ll flush for 1 week then chop. Lemme cover my feed schedule real quick. RO water 1 gal. CannaCoco A+B 9.5ml, 6 ml of Calmag because remember we want to increase during this phase. Reason being, she’s a power house right now. Burning through tons of energy to show those big beautiful blooms. A lot of growers cut Calmag during this phase and their plant starts to suffer deficiencies and it shows. Don’t skimp. I feed every time I water, which means I’m mixing in CannaCoco A+B and Calmag every time I water. Every other watering I add 1/2 tsp spoon of Recharge and 2.5ml Silica Blast from a syringe. I always PH my water to 6.3-6.50 regardless if I’m adding extra things or not. The way I list them here is the way I add them into my water pale as well. I’m about out of stuff to say for today’s update. Like always questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated.

3 years ago


thatboisavo Nice update bro gotta say this is a cool app you introduced me too


optimusmatrix Thanks man I appreciate it!

Day: 85


Life happens 🤷🏼‍♂️. Been a while since I updated last. Started working from home so I have a lot more free time to play with. Things have been progressing as they should. I’ll run down my nutrient schedule then I’ll talk about my plans for the next season. I’m guessing she’s got about 2 more weeks on her. It’s day 85. I’ve been feeding 1 gal Reverse osmosis water. 9.5ml each of CannaCoco A+B. 5ml Calmag, I’m still running 1/2 tsp Recharge and 2.5ml silica blast. I PH my water between 6.30-6.50. Today according to my feed chart is the last day I should be giving nutrients. I’m just really unsure with this one though. It’s day 85 and I’ve got no idea how much longer she’ll go. Used my microscope the other day but I need to dedicate more time to it which I’ll do tonight after I get off work. I’ve been gathering everything for season 3s grow. I know I can grow Em big as fuck but can I grow em small and more than one at once. Next season is going to be four .5 gal fabric pots with 4 different strains. I don’t need 5 ounces of one strain and tbh I’m kinda tired of smoking this one strain. So we’re gonna go for smaller and see what she can do. Really going to challenge myself this next season. I’m super excited and I’ll keep that one more posted than this grow.

3 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Very nice plant bro, just did a 1plant 3x3 myself. Gotta love the details, you can always look back at your notes when they’re this organized. Good luck finishing her and in that next run 👍🏾


optimusmatrix Thank you I appreciate that. Try to always capture my frame of mind. That’s half of growing. Adding nutrients is the easy part my way, brainless.


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Yea once you relax you realize how easy they are to feed it’s all about the grower after that 👍🏾

Day: 70

Good morning everyone! Quick little morning update. She’s starting to fatten up. Like, a lot. I’m so excited to see how big her buds are going to be. I’m feeding about every 24 hours. 1 Gal RO water. 14ml CannaCoco A+B, 5ml Calmag. Today’s feeding will add in 2 1/2ml silica blast, 1/2tsp recharge. I’m starting to vent my tent outside. She’s really strong smelling and the wife is getting mad so she’s being vented more which means I have to be on my A game when it comes to keeping my humidifies filled. When I vent outside I’m losing all that humidity so it takes double the amount of water. That’s ok though. It’s only for a month or so. Other than that not a lot to report. I’m not doing anymore defoliating so what will be will be. I’m flirting with the idea of adding in my other Mars Hydro light but I can’t find a clear answer whether this will get me a better yield or not. I’ll keep looking. Nothing else I can think of right now. Questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

3 years ago

Day: 65

Max Powahhhh as my friend of a certain British car show would say. Lots to cover tonight so let’s get after it. She’s decided she is extra thirsty now. I’ve covered this before but I want to cover it again because it’s why I’m doing what I’m doing with my waterings. People ask me “How do you know when to water”. My method is really simple. Once she’s past the seedling stage and if you’re using coco, go ahead and water your entire pot. She’ll only take so much water before it starts running off. As soon as you’re done watering her pick her up. She’s going to be extremely heavy, every couple hours go back and pick her up. When you see the coco is light in color on top and she’s light in weight when you pick her up then water her. Rinse and repeat. That’s all I do. I don’t keep a schedule. I let her tell me when she’s thirsty. So today I’ve had to feed twice. I fed this morning, standard 1Gal RO water. 13ml of each CannaCoco A and B. 4 1/2ml Calmag. I came into the room about an hour ago and popped the tent open and picked her up and she was light enough to where I couldn’t go another 8 hours till I fed her again. So here we are again feeding tonight. Tonight’s feeding consisted of 1 gal RO water. 14ml each of CannaCoco A and B. 5ml Calmag, 1/2tsp Recharge, 2.5ml Silica Blast. I’ve upped tonight’s feeding to the most my nute schedule calls for. I’ll keep it that way for the next 7 days then will slowly back her down after the next few weeks. This update has been one of my longest. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, I’m all ears. Have a great night/day. I’ll be back soon.

3 years ago

Day: 63


Defoliation is the way. It’s been a few days since the last update. I’m pretty sure an update got deleted but I can’t prove it lol. Oh well, here we are for today’s. Lemme get through my nute routine first. 1 Gal Reverse Osmosis water. 13ml each of CannaCoco A and B, 5ml Cal-Mag, 1/2tsp Real Growers Recharge, 2 1/2ml of Silica Blast. Haven’t upped my nutes to the final max amount yet. Waiting on the buds to fatten up slightly then I’ll up the amount to 14ml of each CannaCoco. So I’ve been defoliating like crazy. Trying to expose as many bud sites as possible and it’s paying off. There’s quite a few bud sites. I think even more than my last grow. They look about the same but this tent is about a 3rd larger than my other tent. I’m really excited to see how big these buds are gonna get. We’ll see in the next few weeks. Other than that everything else is going as it should. I’m coming up with my next grow over these next few weeks. It’s going to be an experimental grow, several smaller pots to get several strains. Not there yet but soon. Questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

3 years ago

Day: 53


Good morning! Guess those rare morning updates are going to turn into a regular thing. So let’s start off with this mornings feeding. I should note that my girl is pretty consistent. I feed her every single morning. I do always pick her up to make sure. I alternate my days with the extra nutes like recharge and silica blast. So I only give those every other day, whereas the CannaCoco A+B and Calmag I give every day. I’ve started to increase my nutrients as of yesterday from 10ml CannaCoco A and B to 13ml. I’m following my chart which I’ll post here as well. Today was 1Gal RO water CannaCoco A 13ml, CannaCoco B 13ml, 4ml Calmag. Tomorrow it’ll be recharge and silica blast day. Still working on the defoliation. Trying to clear out her undergrowth as well. She’s slowing down a lot on her height. I think she’s almost achieved her vertical limits although I’m still hoping to raise up some of those bud sites towards the front left. I’m really curious to see how this strain is going to compare to my last. I think this is my favorite part of the process where you actual find out what you’re gonna get as far as buds go. I’m going to be donating a portion of this strain to a friend of mines mom who has cancer. This strain is good for those with those types of issues. I’m excited to be able to do that for her. Other than that not a whole lot going on with her. Just growing like a weed should 😂. Have a great day, questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated!

3 years ago

Day: 49


Leaves leaves leaves. Theme for the evening is defoliation. But first a morning feeding update. 1gal water from my RO Buddie. CannaCoco A 10ml + B 10ml. 4ml Calmag. 1/2 tsp Real Growers Recharge. 1/2 tsp silica blast. Things are going well. No nute deficiencies that I can see. Spent quite a bit of time tonight cutting out a lot of the undergrowth. That includes leaves getting no little to no light. If that's happening they gotta go. Still tucking as many leaves as I can. A lot of times I'll get up underneath the canopy and pull the leaves downwards. It really allows you to see where the light penetration is and isn't. If you don't have a pair of Chikamasa bonsai scissors I highly recommend them. They make trimming and cutting so much easier and the blades don't get gummed up with rosin. That's about all I have for right now, getting tired. Like usual, question's, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated.

3 years ago

octett16 do you sell your bud or is it just for personal use


donotgrowlikeme Who even asks this question^? Honestly it’s none of your business, this is a growing app not Facebook nobody know you here my guy🧐 sus


donotgrowlikeme Happy growing optimus🌱😇🥂 she looks so happy 🥳

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Day: 46

Rare morning update. I passed out before I got a chance to post an update last night so before I get too far behind I figured I'd post a morning update. So last night was a full feeding. 1 Gal RO Buddie water. CannaCoco A 10ml and 10ml of B. 4 ml Calmag. 1/2tsp Real Growers Recharge. And something new I'm adding into the equation, 1/2 tsp of Silica Blast. It helps to strengthen the cell walls of the plant making them more durable to things like temp changes, and hardiness. Does it really help? Eh I dunno. It's supposed to stop problems before they arise so, shmaybe🤷‍♂️. Regardless it's not hurting anything so I add it. Still tucking like crazy. I'm defoliating as well. Taking off all the lower bud sites and lower leaves. All they're doing is taking away energy and resources from the upper bud sites that are exposed to the light. I'm doing good this cycle of keeping my temps and humidity in check. Temps are stable around 75F. And my humidity levels are around 60%. Haven't had any hiccup's this grow like I did with run away humidity levels. I think adding the second Humidifier outside my tent definitely helped. That's about all I have for right now. As always questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

3 years ago

Day: 45


Whelp I had a huge reply written out and it got deleted so that sucks. It was an entire tutorial on my scrogging and tucking. In can't rewrite it as it was completely from memory. I made a similar post on Reddit so ill post that instead. Please let me know if you have any questions about what I've done. I'll be happy to answer you as soon as you can. So I didn't do any training until I topped. Once I topped I let her fill out a little more and then I put the scrog net on her and then start tucking. When I tuck I try and expose as many of the little flowering sites as possible. Do not be afraid to bend your plant to a certain degree. I also use gardening wire to pull the branches outwards and then tuck the ending leaves under the net. Tuck the leaves any way you can so they're facing downwards. That allows more of your bud sites to be exposed. I actually used 2 nets on my last one and will probably use 1 here but keep raising it. My last grow she got away from me and bust through the net. I'm telling you now don't scrog unless you have a good half hour in the morning and at night to dedicate to just tucking and defoliating. It takes work and patience. I'm working on the patience part but it's rewarding for sure.

3 years ago


Mystrain420 Very nice 👍🏾. Great to see others sharing their knowledge. I love scrog so I’m definitely tuned in


Mystrain420 Will you be doing a proper scrog or just support trellis?

Day: 41


Long time no see. It's been a while since I've updated. I've been super busy with things going on here. The pics are from oldest to newest. Saw my dad for the first time in 2 years so that was cool. Took a new position in the same company that's work from home so I'll be able to mess with with my plant a lot more now. I'll be updating more regularly now going forward. I've been having to feed a lot more these last few waterings. Lots to cover so let's get after it. Started with 1 gal water from my RO Buddie. Put my airstone in the water connected to a little air pump. Used 8.7ml of CannaCoco A and then 8.7ml of CannaCoco B. Then I used 4ml of Calmag. I then used 1tsp of Recharge since I didn't use it last watering. I like to skip feedings on that one. She's starting to get a real nice smell to her too. I'm about to throw my vent fan in the window and vent the smell in the next couple days. I've just used desktop fans and they've worked fine so far 🤷‍♂️.

3 years ago


rokred Looks awesome. I’m very surprised she isn’t flowering yet, isn’t she auto? I can definitely see some of your experience showing thru on this plant.

Day: 29


This is where the fun begins! The tucking begins now. I tied down a few of her leaves last night to allow some of the undergrowth to catch up. Things are going to move really far from here. I’m going to top her as well on the 4th node. Just waiting on the next two leaves to open up a bit and I’ll probably top this afternoon when I get home. I had to feed this morning. 1/2 gal Water from my RO Buddie. 4.3ml CannaCoco A and 4.3ml of B. I decided to up my Calmag because I’m anticipating a deficiency if i continued at 1ml of Calmag. She’s getting bigger and soon going to outpace that 1ml she needs so we upped it to 2ml. It’s not going to hurt her. I used 1/4 tsp of Recharge as I didn’t feed it last time. I can’t believe I’m doing this again. I’m really contemplating on doing a small 2liter grow just to try out a few different strains. That might be a fun project. I have another tent so we’ll see what happens. That’s it for now. As always questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated! Have a great day!

3 years ago

Day: 26


Feeding Day! Things are looking healthy. Her coco was nice and light brown around the entire base and her weight was fairly light. Always pick up your plant before and after you water. You’ll start to learn when to feed her based off her weight. That way you don’t have to worry about over watering. Today’s feeding was the usual I used my RO Buddie to fill my pale with 1/2 gal of water. The fed CannaCoco A 4.3ml and B 4.3ml, 1ml Calmag, No recharge this feeding as I fed last feeding and I alternate with that one. I give it time to do it’s bacterial magic. PH’d my water to 6.5 and poured in a circular motion around her base making sure not to get any on her leaves. I’m going to have to start LST’ing here pretty soon. I’ve hit my good scrog still from my last grow so I don’t know if I’ll use it or buy another one. I liked doing two layers. Allowed me to really maximize her growth. We’ll see. Other than that not a whole lot. Questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great Sunday.

3 years ago


mystrain420 Looks great, loving the details it shows your dedication. 👍🏾

Day: 24


Just a short little update with some pics this morning. I’m probably going to feed later tonight as her surface is drying out slightly but there’s still enough moisture in the soil for her roots so she’s good right now. I still haven’t decided if I’m going to top. If i do too her it’ll be on the 4th or 5th node. I’ll cover that more heavily when it comes time. My new tent is a little taller but I’m not sure if I would maximize my yield by letting her grow up or scrog her again like my last grow. I’ll think about it and get back with you. This is the easy period where she doesn’t do a whole lot other than grow up and I water every few days. Pretty soon she’s gonna have me putting in work, morning and night. Keeping my environment about the same 75F with about 65% humidity. Questions, comments, suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great day!

3 years ago


46&2JustAheadOfMe Looking good!!

Day: 21

Feeding and nute talk. Decided to feed tonight. She was light brown on top and while she had some darker soil I decided to go ahead and feed 1/2gal RO water CannaCoco A 4.3ml and B 4.4ml, 1 ml Calmag, 1/4 tsp Recharge (which I only feed every other feeding). I then PH’d to 6.50. I’m keeping my environment around 75F and 65% Humidity. I’m also using a small fish tank air pump that has an air stone that I use in my water pale to mix my nutes with. It’s not necessary but does make mixing easier. Always make sure you always use the same spoon or syringe for your nutrients but never put different nutes in them. Have a dedicated spoon or syringe for each nutrient you have. If you mix them you run the risk of causing them to lockout and become an unusable mix. Just make sure you’re mixing your nutrients in water and not with each other first. I’ve included pictures of my nutes and their syringes. I’m super tired so I hope this update makes sense. As always questions, comments, suggestions are always highly encouraged. Have a great evening!

3 years ago

Day: 20

She’s starting to grow a little bit faster now. As you can see a clear difference in 3 days. I haven’t fed her since last update. I let the coco get a little bit dryer before I feed again. Don’t want to over do it with the water and nutes. I think that’s what happened to her at the beginning of my grow, I had too much water. I’m trying to keep my humidity in the tent approximately 65%. I’ve been using one of my small clip fans to pull the hot air out the top of my tent and tonight I decided to add in another clip fan. This one I put at the bottom pointing upwards towards the center of the tent. It doesn’t hit my plant directly but indirectly enough for it to vibrate and move back and forth slightly and that’s exactly what I want. Those micro movements will strengthen her stalk. I’ll probably end up feeding tomorrow night. I’ll make sure I list all those measures when I do feed. Not a lot to report other than her quick growing. Like always questions, comments, suggestions are always appreciated! Have a great evening/day!

3 years ago

Day: 17

She’s alive!!! Things are looking up. She’s definitely looking better since my last update which was also the last time I fed her. Tonight I went with the standard half gal of water out of my RO Buddie. 3.6ml of CannaCoco A and the same 3.6ml for B. I use 1.ml of Calmag and I’m going to skip recharge this feeding as it allows time for the good bacteria to establish before being replaced. I put them in my pale in that order. The Calmag caused the water to PH down quite a bit so I’m having to use some PH UP to get it to 6.5. I do use a small fish tank air pump with an air stone to aerate my water and mix my nutes for a few minutes before feeding. Just remember to PH right before you feed. I feel like I’ve introduced nutes much earlier in this grow than my last one so I’m excited to see if it makes much difference. All in all no real concerns right now. Just gonna see what happens. Questions, comments, and suggestions are always greatly appreciated. Have a great night!

3 years ago

Day: 13


Whelp I think she's stalled out. She hasn't grown very much in the last week. I think I was over watering her TBH. The last couple days I've been letting her dry out and tonight is the first night I decided to introduce nutes. I'm using 1.8ml of CannaCoco A+B, 1ml Calmag, 1/4tsp Recharge. I fed a 1/2 gal RO water and I'm gonna let it dry out and see what happens with her. I might have to start over, not sure yet. Either way I'm going to figure this out. I've also listed my nutrients using 1/4 gal. I really like CannaCocos feed calculator, it's really helped me a lot. That's about all I have, like always questions, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Have a great night!

3 years ago


MasterKush420 I think it’s over watered discolour at end of stem and the leaves are curled down. Spray bottle is perfect as you only need the medium damp in seedling stage. I wouldn’t recommend using nutes just yet while the plant is so young and under stress. Drying out the medium quick I place seedling in sun for a few hours. Happy growing 🥬

mephhead Half gallon of water at that size is way too much at one time. For these early stages I will just wet a paper towel and wring it out by the base of the plant. Once the cotyledons start yellowing or maybe a touch before if you time it, you can start up the nutes at low strength but this looks to me like a shes drowning.

Day: 7

Morning everyone. Been a few days since my last update. Not a lot to report but none the less I want to share where I'm at in the process and where I'm headed. I'm keeping temps right around 75-77F so not too bad. My humidity% are between 60-65% so I'm ok with those. I was running my light at 100% at 25 inches but I've lowered the light to 80% as I felt 100% is a little strong for a seedling. I'm keeping the Coco moist with my Foliar sprayer. I haven't started running any nutes or Calmag yet. She got enough juice in her to get through a week or two with no nutes. I don't like to start them too early because that's when you start running into burning issues and it's one more thing I don't want to deal with. I'll probably start running a light CalMag application in my Foliar by the end of the week though. I'm not sure if I shared but I got my Reverse Osmosis system hooked up. It's an RO Buddie if you're curious. Only $60 so that's not bad at all. Its working great although takes about 15 minutes to fill one of my humidifiers but that's ok I just set a timer and go do something else. Other than that I enjoy these times before the chaos of it all, the calm before the storm. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions I welcome them all. Have a great day.

3 years ago

Day: 5

Whelp here we are, directly into the coco. I got home last night and checked my seed and she had popped her shell and was about half and inch long. I wasn’t prepared to plant last night but we made it happen. I stuck my finger in my coco about half an inch and placed the seed in tail side down helmet side up. Then i gently covered the seed with lose Coco. this morning when I had checked, she had already started to break the Coco. I’m shooting for 75F and 65%RH. I am running in CocoCoir with a mix of 70% coco 30%pearlite. After I planted the seed I sprayed the top of my coco with PH’d water at 6.5 from my foliar sprayer. I keep a plastic bag over the top until she’s out of the ground a bit which keeps the humidity levels up. I’ve read that it’s hard to transplant directly into coco but I’ve found that it’s the easiest way to do it for me 🤷🏼‍♂️. I ordered an RO buddie to help with my hard water issues. The one I ordered connects directly to the tap so it’ll be easier to fill my water pale and humidifiers. I’m getting white calcium all over everything and I’m tired of it. It’ll be here Saturday. My SpiderFarmer SF-1000. I’m running at 20% right now. It doesn’t need to be on 100% yet. The seed just needs some light to know which way to grow. I’m running at 25 inches away as well. All in all not a whole lot to report yet. Just going through the motions. Like always, questions or comments are greatly appreciated.

3 years ago


Hammerhead420 If I could give you some friendly advise. Botanicare Cal mag+ has been my best friend, I also went directly into coco/perlite and had cal deficiency due to the coco not having any nutez in it. 3ml per gal.Just make sure you give the water an hour or two of sit time after you add the cal/mag to it so it will dissolve properly into the water. I stared the cal mag regimens with ever watering and still use it in the daily feeding now and love the results.

Day: 2

Whelp here we are day 2. I germinated using the wet paper towel in a ziploc method. Same method I used for my S1 grow. This process took 3 or 4 days last time. I can’t remember that’s why I’m starting from the very beginning with this journal. I’ve gotten a little more experience and I get asked questions frequently when I post on Reddit so I have a general idea of the information I’d like to convey in this upcoming grow. My last grow was a massive success and I’m hoping this one will be as well. This one’s gonna be special, reason being is this is a 1:1 strain. The THC levels are the same as the CBD levels. This strain is for medical patients to help with things such as pain and nausea, inflammation and things of that nature. I’m celiac which means I suffer immense pain when I ingest gluten whether it be in wheat, rye, or barley due to an autoimmune disorder. Gluten is in everything and is very hard to avoid. When I consume gluten my own immune system attacks the lining of my digestive tract eating away at the lining causing massive pain and inflammation, vomiting, and bloating. I’m growing this 1:1 strain to help with my issues. I’m really curious to see how it affects me when I’m glutened. I’m writing this today laying on the couch out sick from work because I’m glutened. It’s miserable and since there’s no medication on earth for it, weed is the only thing I have. I'm excited to share this grow with you all from the beginning so let's get after it! Questions or comments like always are greatly appreciated!

4 years ago