

Farmington Minnesota. Middle aged IT guy who was always told that pot was bad and a gateway drug…until one day the state said it was legal. When I first started growing, I thought it was the leaves that people smoked. My wife has horrible, life sucking MS. I’m keeping her home as long as possible for the kids. First thing I will make is butter to make edibles for her.

4 plants

31 updates

69 photos

Fourth Grow

Fall 2024

Day: 27

Updates: 1

10 days ago

Start date: Aug 1, 2024


Second grow

Spring 2024

Day: 133

Updates: 18

12 days ago

Start date: Apr 16, 2024

Big Bud Fast, Bruce Banner Fast, both from SeedSupreme

Third Grow

Summer 2024


Day: 88

Updates: 5

16 days ago

Start date: May 26, 2024

Super Skunk, Girl Scout Cookies

First Grow

Spring 2024

Day: 113


Updates: 7

3 months ago

Start date: Feb 3, 2024

Big Bud Fast, Bruce Banner Fast, both from SeedSupreme

Grabbing some more for you