Second grow
Spring 2024
Started in 2x MelonFarm 24x16x21 tents. USB fan. Barrina T5 lights. Clones taken from first grow and clones from clones. Now in 3x3x6 tent.
Big Bud Fast, Bruce Banner Fast, both from SeedSupreme
Day 133 (Week 19)
18 updates
30 photos
Day: 133

Closing out grow#2. My technique improved a lot. Now I need to work on my germination.
7 months ago
. Look up Dr. DeBacco’s h20 & h2o2 method for germination on YouTube, it’s works great and even better with a seedling heating mat. 👍🏾
Day: 130

Thinking of harvesting today. Plants are at a solid 7 weeks of flowering, pistil’s are all amber, trichomes are milky. Going out of town next weekend, having family over tomorrow, now seems like the time. I could let it go another week or two, but don’t see a but return on waiting. Pic #2 is some finished product from grow #1, seemed like a funny place to use the stickers.
7 months ago
kryptikKidd What Farmington nm?
FarmingtonBud Minnesota
Day: 130

7 plants, 130 days. So much work harvesting and clean up. Put grow #3 in the big tent.
7 months ago
Day: 114

Mid week 5 of flowering
7 months ago
Day: 103

Starting week 4 of flowering
7 months ago
Day: 97

Started week 3 of flowering. Added an AC Infinity Thermoforge T3. Sooooo cool. VPD is now perfect all the time.
8 months ago
Day: 95

Almost 2 weeks into flowering. Seeing the nice beginning dandelion style flowers. I want the pretty sticky flower stage so bad.
8 months ago
CultThirteen Hey man I saw your bio and that your wife has MS. Edibles are great especially to get to sleep. I would recommend doing some research on RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) and FECO (Full extract cannabis oil). They do wonders for cancer patients as well as people with chronic illnesses. I have a similar condition to MS and the FECO is the only thing that can keep me asleep through the pain when it gets unbearable. It’s no more difficult than making cannabutter.
FarmingtonBud Thank you! I’ll look into the oil. I tried a couple butter recipes but they’re all so different. I’m going to spend some time working on edibles for her next. My wife went from walking to electric wheel chair (at age 47) within 8 years. These tires of diseases suck. Fight the good fight with your disease, and thank you for commenting.
CultThirteen Until you can make some I’d really recommend buying a syringe of it to try it out at a local dispensary to see how she vibes with it. It only takes 0.25ml to get me to sleep and I just dab it on some honey or mix it into some tea or coffee. A 10ml syringe lasts forever. Glad to see you growing this plant for a good cause. I hope you can bring your wife some relief.
Day: 86

Was out of town over the 4th week, so I’d set them up to use AC Infinity watering bases. Worked great, but had to remove them when I got back because the jacked up the humidity so much in a 3x3x6, would not have been healthy long term.
8 months ago
Day: 56

Looking good
9 months ago
Day: 45

Yesterday I turned off the heater in the grow tent and the wasting didn’t progress. The heater (only on periodically) was pointed directly at that plant. I had just finished a grow with big plants so good reminder that small plants are a lot more fragile. Now I have it in the intensive care tent recovering.
9 months ago
Day: 44

What is going on, and how do I stop it? Plant was generally symmetrical when it went into the tent a few days ago. Noticed the withering yesterday and cut one side of the plant back so all looked healthy. Today it’s progressed further.
9 months ago
Jimbo Norman Root rot? Fan blowing directly on it?
combatmedic81 Not sure but she looks like a goner
FarmingtonBud Good call Jimbo Norman
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Day: 43

Lost half a plant to withering. Not happy about that. I started the third grow with germination of 4 super skunk and 4 Girl Scout cookies seeds. My family thought harvesting Big Bud Fast was smelly (AC on, all windows open, bathroom and kitchen fans on, could still smell it from the street), but I’m guessing super skunk will take it to a whole new level.
9 months ago
Day: 42

The plants graduated to 1 gallon cloth pots and the big top tent, now that grow #1 is done (approx 1/3 pound).
9 months ago
Day: 41

Setup the second mini tent for taller plants.
10 months ago
Xander Kaliyuga Did you order these tents online? If so, where, how much, and what to look for.
FarmingtonBud I bought 2 of these: They’re cheap but the perfect depth for my dressers. I just needed the plants I was working on to be closed up sometimes. I used zip ties to hang these lights: It’s cheap but effective before the plants make it into the 3x3x6 spider farmer
Xander Kaliyuga Those are exactly what I need!! Check my journal. I use my mf closet like a real OG 🥴🤣 im getting 5 more seeds in 2 days so those tents right there are perfect for what im aiming for.
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Day: 33

Plants have grown a lot since being put in a proper (mini) tent. Still working on the lighting and air flow. Not the best tent but cheap and easy and good enough - until they’re bigger and room is available in the big tent.
10 months ago
Day: 29

Moved them all to half gallon grow bags. Pic includes two ghost peppers in the back.
10 months ago
Day: 29

Upgraded the nursery (pre tent plants) from a homemade box with Mylar, to this
10 months ago